
A PHP Client for Odoo ERP using Ripcord RPC library (as used in Odoo Web API docs)

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


OdooClient is an Odoo client for PHP. It is inspired on OpenERP API from simbigo and OdooClient from jacobsteringa and uses a more or less similar API.

However, instead of its own XML-RPC client or the Zend XML-RPC libraries it uses the Ripcord RPC library as implemented by DarkaOnline -- this is the library used in the Odoo Web Service API documentation.

Supported versions

This library should work with Odoo 8 or later. If you find any any incompatibilities, please create an issue or submit a pull request.


Instantiate a new client.

use OdooClient\Client;
$url = 'example.odoo.com/xmlrpc/2';
$database = 'example-database';
$user = 'user@email.com';
$password = 'yourpassword';

$client = new Client($url, $database, $user, $password);

For the client to work you have to include the /xmlrpc/2 part of the url.

xmlrpc/2/common endpoint

Getting version information.


There is no login/authenticate method. The client does authentication for you, that is why the credentials are passed as constructor arguments.

xmlrpc/2/object endpoint

Search for records.

$criteria = [
  ['customer', '=', true],
$offset = 0;
$limit = 10;

$client->search('res.partner', $criteria, $offset, $limit);

Search and count records.

$criteria = [
  ['customer', '=', true],

$client->search_count('res.partner', $criteria);

Reading records.

$ids = $client->search('res.partner', [['customer', '=', true]], 0, 10);

$fields = ['name', 'email', 'customer'];

$customers = $client->read('res.partner', $ids, $fields);

Search and Read records.

$criteria = [
  ['customer', '=', true],

$fields = ['name', 'email', 'customer'];

$customers = $client->search_read('res.partner', $criteria, $fields, 10);

Creating records.

$data = [
  'name' => 'John Doe',
  'email' => 'foo@bar.com',

$id = $client->create('res.partner', $data);

Updating records.

// change email address of user with current email address foo@bar.com
$ids = $client->search('res.partner', [['email', '=', 'foo@bar.com']], 0, 1);

$client->write('res.partner', $ids, ['email' => 'baz@quux.com']);

// 'uncustomer' the first 10 customers
$ids = $client->search('res.partner', [['customer', '=', true]], 0, 10);

$client->write('res.partner', $ids, ['customer' => false]);

Deleting records.

$ids = $client->search('res.partner', [['email', '=', 'baz@quuz.com']], 0, 1);

$client->unlink('res.partner', $ids);


MIT License. Copyright (c) 2017 Rob Roy.