NAME Monad::Maybe - A quasi-implementation of the Maybe monad in Perl VERSION Version 0.01 SYNOPSIS use Maybe::Monad; *suc = sub { Just(1 + shift) }; $a = Just(10); $x->bind(\&suc); # returns Just(11); *div = lift(sub { $_[0] / $_[1] }); *add = lift(sub { $_[0] + $_[1] }); $b = Just(0); $c = div($a, $b); # $c is Nothing $d = add($c, $a); # $d is Nothing DESCRIPTION This is an experimental Perl implementation of a class with some properties of the Maybe monad. Methods nothing $x = Monad::Maybe->nothing; A constructor that returns "nothing". is_nothing if ($x->is_nothing) { ... } Returns true if the object is "nothing". just $x = Monad::Maybe->just( $scalar ); A constructor that sets the value of the monad to "just" the argument. Note that Monad::Maybe->just( undef ) returns "nothing". is_just if ($x->is_just) { ... } Returns true if the object is not "nothing". bind $x->bind( $f ); Applies a function to the value of `$x', where `$f' is a function that takes a non-monad as an argument and returns a `Monad::Maybe' value. If the function does not return a `Monad::Maybe' object, or it returns an error, then it will return "nothing". If `$x' is nothing, then the `$f' is not actually run, and `bind' returns "nothing". join $x->join; Takes a `Monad::Maybe' of a `Monad::Maybe' and returns a `Monad::Maybe'. If `$x' is not a `Monad::Maybe' of a `Monad::Maybe', then it returns "nothing". Subroutines Nothing $x = Nothing; Shorthand for the nothing constructor. Just $x = Just( $v ); Shorthand for the just constructor. lift $g = lift( $f ); Lifts a non-monadic function to a `Monad::Maybe' function. If any of the values passed to the lifted function are "nothing", then `$f' is not actually executed, and `$g' returns "nothing". If `$f' dies, then `$g' returns "nothing". CAVEATS This is an experimental module. The interface may change completely. SEE ALSO Data::Monad AUTHOR Robert Rothenberg, `<rrwo at>' LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2011-2014 Robert Rothenberg. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.