robsasco's Stars
Official repository for IPython itself. Other repos in the IPython organization contain things like the website, documentation builds, etc.
Secure Git credential storage for Windows with support for Visual Studio Team Services, GitHub, and Bitbucket multi-factor authentication.
Template Studio accelerates the creation of new WinUI 3, WPF, and UWP apps using a wizard-based experience.
Visual Studio extension that enables support for unit testing with Google Test in the IDE
ModSecurity is an open source, cross platform web application firewall (WAF) engine for Apache, IIS and Nginx that is developed by Trustwave's SpiderLabs. It has a robust event-based programming language which provides protection from a range of attacks against web applications and allows for HTTP traffic monitoring, logging and real-time analysis. With over 10,000 deployments world-wide, ModSecurity is the most widely deployed WAF in existence.
Build a Test Drive solution to allow customers to try before they buy your product. This repository contains a development helper tool to help build, test, and debug your test drive.