
A collection of samples for Fusion library: https://github.com/servicetitan/Stl.Fusion

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Welcome to the collection of Fusion samples!

All project updates are published on its Discord Server; it's also the best place for Q/A.
Build Discord Server

Don't know what Fusion is? You should! Fusion is probably your #1 partner in crime if you're building a real-time app (an online app delivering some or all updates in real-time) or a high-load app, and moreover, it plays really well with Blazor.

In particular, Fusion allows you to build fully real-time UIs like this one as easily as if there would be no logic related to real-time updates at all:

Play with live version of this app right now!

If you're looking for detailed description of every sample, see https://servicetitan.github.io/Stl.Fusion.Samples/

Running Samples

Build & run locally with .NET 6.0 SDK:

# Run this command first
dotnet build
Sample Command
HelloCart dotnet run -p src/HelloCart/HelloCart.csproj
HelloWorld dotnet run -p src/HelloWorld/HelloWorld.csproj
HelloBlazorServer dotnet run --project src/HelloBlazorServer/HelloBlazorServer.csproj + open http://localhost:5005/
HelloBlazorHybrid dotnet run --project src/HelloBlazorHybrid/Server/Server.csproj + open http://localhost:5005/
Blazor Samples dotnet run --project src/Blazor/Server/Server.csproj + open http://localhost:5005/
Caching Run-Sample-Caching.cmd. See Run-Sample-Caching.cmd to run this sample on Unix.
Tutorial Install Try .NET + dotnet try --port 50005 docs/tutorial

Build & run with Docker + Docker Compose:

# Run this command first
docker-compose build
Sample Command
HelloCart docker-compose run sample_hello_cart dotnet Samples.HelloCart.dll
HelloWorld docker-compose run sample_hello_world dotnet Samples.HelloWorld.dll
HelloBlazorServer docker-compose run --service-ports sample_hello_blazor_server + open http://localhost:5005/
HelloBlazorHybrid docker-compose run --service-ports sample_hello_blazor_hybrid + open http://localhost:5005/
Blazor Samples docker-compose run --service-ports sample_blazor + open http://localhost:5005/
Caching docker-compose run sample_caching_client dotnet Samples.Caching.Client.dll
Tutorial docker-compose run --service-ports tutorial + open https://localhost:50005/README.md

Useful Links

P.S. If you've already spent some time learning about Fusion, please help us to make it better by completing Fusion Feedback Form (1…3 min).