Create a festival with this custom area events plugin for Pocketmine Server ALPHA10+:
Copyright Genboy 2018
issues @ github and/or reviews @ poggit
Create and manage area’s (like WorldGuard/iProtector)
- Define cuboid area by tapping 2 positions
- create/delete/list area’s
- add area description
- whitelist players for the area
- tp to an area
- show area’s info at current position
Set area flags true means
- edit: area is save from building/breaking
- god: players in the area are save in god mode
- touch: area is save from player interaction with chests/signs etc.
- msg: do not display area enter/leave messages
- passage: no passage for non-whitelisted players! (previously barrier flag)
- perms: player permissions are used to determine area command execution (experiment)
- drop: players can not drop things
Default & world specific flags in config.yml
Events & Commands
Add commands to area events
- assign commands to area events
- enter, center or leave.
- add/edit/delete area event commands
- list area commands (ordered by event)
- change event of area commands
Area event commands are executed by default with op permission by players from the area. In v1.0.4-11 an experimental perms flag is added, functionality may change in the future; perms flag true: area uses the player permissions (= without permission no commands/messages are triggered)
Created by Genboy 2018
Credits for the area creation and protection code go to iProtector creator LDX-MCPE and all other iProtector devs.
Standard Plugin installation; Upload .phar file (or .zip if you have latest devtools installed), restart the server, go to folder plugins/Festival;
Edit config.yml; set the defaults for any area and the defaults for area's in specified worlds.
!Before update always copy your config.yml and areas.json files to a save place, with this you can revert your Festival installation
Since v1.0.3-11
after .phar install and first restart/reload plugins; check console info and your areas.json and config.yml; restart after adjusted correctly
pass(passage) flag replaces the barrier flag
configuration for area messages (taken out of chat)
- Msgtype: tip or pop (prefer depend on other plugin message display)
- Msgdisplay: off = hidden for all players op = only ops see all area enter/leave messages on = all players see the area messages
Since v1.0.4-11
- areas are updated with the new flags, configuration should be updated manually; example resources/config.yml
- after .phar install and first restart/reload config.yml; check console info and config.yml; restart after adjusted correctly
first select position 1, then select position2, the endpoints of the longest diagonal in the area
/fe pos1
/fe pos2
/fe create <AREANAME>
/fe flag(f) <AREANAME> <god/build/touch/drop/msg/pass/perms> <true/false>
/fe <god/build/touch/drop/msg/pass/perms> <AREANAME> (<true/false>)
/fe here
/fe list
/fe tp <AREANAME>
/fe whitelist <AREANAME> <add/list/remove(del,delete)> <PLAYERNAME>
/fe delete(del,remove) <AREANAME>
/fe command <AREANAME> <add/list/edit/event*/del> <COMMANDID> <COMMANDSTRING/enter*/leave*/center*>
To add a command you need at least;
- an areaname,
- an unique id for the command
- make sure the command works! (when you are op).
'add' is the default for attaching a command on the 'enter' event.
Using 'enter', 'center' or 'leave' instead of 'add' attaches the new command to
the given eventtype: i.e. /fe command <areaname> center <commandid> <commandstring>
/fe command <AREANAME> list
/fe command <AREANAME> event <COMMANDID> <enter/center/leave>
/fe command <AREANAME> del <COMMANDID>
The Festival plugin is in active development.
Development on
2 3 2018
- update
- replace name 'barrier' flag with 'passage' (better name for the flag)
- Moving license content to own file
27 2 2018
- No hurt, no damage after falling from /fe tp
- Area tp to center top & fall into area without damage!
26 2 2018
- Area messages now popup
- Separate readme for poggit release template
- code clean up to much player instance references
22 2 2018
- Pre-release
- version 1.0.2-11
- Fix multiplayer in Area
- Fix to many messages
- added new cover graphic
- added transparent infographic v1.0.2-11
- Pre-release
21 2 2018
- Pre-release
- version 1.0.1-11
- info updates
- readme restyled
- restyled /fe list and /fe here
- added per world area list: /fe list
- added infographic v1.0.1-11
- new!: barrier flag
- area act as barrier when flag is true
- whitelisted and ops allowed
- new!: short commands for flags
- f for flag: /fe f <true/false>
- fast toggle: /fe <touch/edit/god/msg/barrier>
- and some small tweaks
- Pre-release
13 2 2018
- Pre-release
- version 1.0.0-11
- submitted plugin to Poggit
- Festival area setup and protection based on iprotector
- area enter, leave en center event detection/messages
- area object extended with commandlist and eventlist
- Commands to add custom events
- add multiple commandstrings with id attachted to enter, leave or center area event
- list area extended info and manage event commands
- Pre-release
area protection and flag management is stable (core iProtector, 9876ca3 Dec 2017)
Area messages and msg/description management are stable
Commands can be attachted to specific events at the area:
enter: on entering the area
center: when in the center of the area
leave: when leaving the area
Submit to poggit
Testing expected possibilities; use as portals and shields, design a minigame park, create a quest/parcour..
Passage flag; turning the area into a barrier, no one in, no one out.
/fe tp now sends player to the area top-center and prevents fall damage
Many ideas and necessities popped-up and more will be added to the Bucketlist
If you like to help improve this plugin;
- download/use the plugin and give your feedback
- look at the code and give feedback
- both by submitting issues @ github and/or reviews @ poggit
or send an email to msg @
Thank you
The area code derives from the iProctector plugin. All credits for the area creation and protection code go to the iProtector creator LDX-MCPE and other iProtector devs.
In a first fork from poggit-orphanage the new code was extending the area with enter and leave messages and adding options to attach separate event-objects to an area and trigger specific events with commands. These test versions kept the core iProtector areas unchanged (to be able to use excisting area's).
These first adjustments worked well being a test plugin but keeping iProtector area's while adding separate event data made me create a split command structure (wich isn't logical or handy) and separate event objects are only needed if the original area class should stay the same. So, for a better plugin command structure and performance the iProtector Area code was used to create the setup for what now has become the Festival Plugin.