
Localstack example with SQS, SNS, and Lambda

Primary LanguageShell


This excellent tutorial was created from the following article: https://www.bitovi.com/blog/running-aws-resources-on-localstack

AWS Services

This example uses the following stack:

  1. localstack
  2. SNS
  3. SQS
  4. Lambda

awslocal command

I've changed all the occurrences of aws ... --endpoint-url=http://localhost:4566 ... to awslocal ... using the alias here, which shortcuts the aws command line to target our localstack in particular: https://github.com/localstack/awscli-local#alternative


You can see list of available services using this command:

curl -vk https://localhost:4566/health | jq "."

Stack Creation Commands

We'll use standard docker-compose commands to both create and destroy the stack.

Create Stack

docker-compose up --build

Destroy Stack

docker-compose down

Stack Testing Commands


awslocal sns publish \
  --topic-arn arn:aws:sns:us-east-1:000000000000:testTopic \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --message 'Test Topic!'


awslocal sqs send-message \
  --queue-url http://localhost:4576/000000000000/testQueue \
  --region us-east-1 \
  --message-body 'Test Message!'