Hack Green Secret Nuclear Bunker developments
- Disable mouse pointer
- Autostart the program
- Fix problem with the 'test' audio file ('run' one is fine)
- Figure out how to get 'run' script to handle the trigger switch
- Figure out how to get 'run' script to autorepeat (a setting in the script file?)
- Indicate the GPIO pins in some way at the bottom of the screen (the pin set/unset function to include something?)
BoomRoom is a pilot Raspi program to help Hack Green 'script' the events in their 'Nuclear Attack experience room'. The intention is that the software can fire off either a test script, or a run (ie, normal-operation) script. The scripts are really just a list of times (in ms) and a function to call. The times are given in elapsed ms, so a time of 1250 would indicate 1250 ms after the start of the script, (1.25 seconds).
The GPIO is available so that relays, lights, motors etc are all within reach, and the initial brief was to be able to play a 5.1 type sound file which might last for a couple of minutes. We are using a resistive-type touch screen of 480x320, on which we draw 2 buttons. The screen effectively disables the onboard HDMI, so our Raspi is configured for SSH over the network too.
We have used PyGame to do most of the heavy lifting around image loading, sound playing, drawing on the screen surface and event handling.
Our longer-term intention is to make this more robust and flexible, and encourage other smaller museums and installations to use and help extend the programs.