
Primary LanguageShell


headless pi setup;

create an image of raspbian lite (use the raspi imager program)
put the wpa_supplicant.conf file into the root of the boot partition (no install_ prefix)
edit it accordingly for the local wifi
create an empty file ssh in the root of the boot partition
boot the card in a pi

once it's had a chance to connect;

ssh pi@raspberrypi  
(password = raspberry)  

sudo apt update  
sudo apt full-upgrade -y
(this may take a while)
sudo apt install -y samba
sudo apt-get install -y python3
sudo apt-get install -y python3-pip
sudo apt-get install -y python3-smbus
sudo apt-get install -y git
pip3 install azure.iot.device
pip3 install board
pip3 install Rpi.GPIO  (may already be there)
pip3 install piglow
sudo nano /boot/config.txt

change so it includes this at the end;


save it and return to the command line

sudo nano /etc/modules

add this in the bottom if not present


save it and return to the command line

sudo raspi-config

set the gpu amount to 16 (from 64)
enable ssh and 1-wire
change the machine (host) name eg piboardd

sudo reboot now

reconnect with ssh as above

lsmod | grep w1

(confirm w1_gpio, w1_therm are present)

cd /home/pi
git clone https://github.com/robsoft/InitPi
cd InitPi
sudo chmod +777 setup_git.sh (if not already executable)

edit the first_fetch.sh file accordingly and run it

nano first_fetch.sh

if PiTest has appeared, we're good to go and you can now get rid of all this;

sudo rm PiTest -r
cd ..
sudo rm InitPi -r

confirm the InitPi folder has gone - now git is all set ready to fetch other private projects