
ReactJS + D3JS

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


This is a fork of rd3

ReactJS + D3JS charting framework. Using both togheter, provides a pixel perfect experience.

When rd3 has been discontinued, it was working on NodeJS version 8, D3JS version 3 and ReactJS version 16.

I upgrade it to work on D3JS v7.0.4, ReactJS 16 and NodeJS 12.

LineChart, ScatterChart and Stackedarea are migrated, with minor bugs.

This projects still mantains some idiosincrasies of the original project, so you have some parts in Class Based Components and Function Based Components in ReacJS.

It has some really nice features, like the Voronoy Algorithm to calculate distance between points to display tooltips, and so bo.


Beatiful ReacJS + D3JS:

Check this out

Create and customize charts

CLient to create and customize charts:


There is still a lot of work to include new types of charts. At the moment we have, Line Chart, Scatter Chart, Bart Chart, Area chart, Tree Chart.



Copyright (c) 2014-2016 Eric. S Bullington, Lim Yang Wei, Fortinbras, and project contributors