
OWL-DL ontology modeling with RDFSharp

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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RDFSharp extension for OWL-DL ontology modeling, validation and reasoning.

RDFSharp.Semantics has a modular API made up of four layers:
  • RDFSharp.Semantics
    • Create and manage OWL-DL ontologies (classes, restrictions, properties, facts, assertions, annotations, ...)
    • Exchange them using standard RDF formats (N-Triples, TriX, Turtle, RDF/Xml)
  • RDFSharp.Semantics.Validator
    • Validate T-BOX and A-BOX of ontologies against a predefined set of RDFS/OWL-DL rules
    • Analyze and resolve reported modeling errors and semantic violations
  • RDFSharp.Semantics.Reasoner
    • Create OWL-DL reasoners with a both custom and predefined set of RDFS/OWL-DL rules
    • Materialize semantic inferences and build detailed reasoning reports
  • RDFSharp.Semantics.LinkedData
    • Ready to use OWL-DL implementation of common Linked Data ontologies (DC, FOAF, GEO, SIOC, SKOS)
    • Build SKOS/SKOS-XL taxonomies with a friendly, powerful and complete .NET API