web page: https://howsecureismypassword.net/
client-side: https://github.com/howsecureismypassword/hsimp
ABOUT hsimpy
How Secure Is My Password?
Running on Python3. Rather than just saying a password is "weak" or "strong", How Secure is My Password? lets your users know how long it would take someone to crack their password.
hsimpy is a python package to be used called by a python module. It is needed to install the package to the usage. In you requirements.txt file. Should be declared.
In your project where hsimpy is a dependencia, enter the command.
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
from hsimpy import Hsimpy
PWD = Hsimpy('Passw0rd!')
print('possible_characters: ' + PWD.possible_characters)
print('possible_combinations: ' + PWD.possible_combinations)
print('time_in_seconds: ' + PWD.time_in_seconds)
print('security_level: ' + PWD.security_level)
hsmipy.Hsimpy module configuration
hsmip module has a small config. We are using:
"calculationsPerSecond": 1e10, # 10 billion
"good": 31557600e6, # 1 million years
"ok": 31557600 # 1 year
Today, the data used is:
self.conf = {
"calculations_per_second": 3900000, # 1e10 10 billion
"good": 31557600e3, # 31557600e6 1 million years
"ok": 31557600e1 # 31557600 1 year
character.Character module configuration
Sharacter module has a small config. We are using:
"ASCII Control Character": ["[\\u0000-\\u001F]", 32],
"ASCII Lowercase": ["[a-z]", 26],
"ASCII Uppercase": ["[A-Z]", 26],
"ASCII Numbers": ["\\d", 10],
"ASCII Top Row Symbols": ["[-!@£#$%^&*()=+_]", 15],
"ASCII Other Symbols": ["[\\s\\?\\/\\.>,<`~\\|;:\\]}\\[{'\"\\\\]", 19],
"Unicode Latin 1 Supplement": ["[\\u00A1-\\u00A2\\u00A4-\\u00FF]", 93],
"Unicode Latin 1 Supplement Non Standard": ["[\\u0080-\\u00A0]", 33],
"Unicode Latin Extended A": ["[\\u0100-\\u017F]", 128],
"Unicode Latin Extended B": ["[\\u0180-\\u024F]", 208],
"Unicode Latin Extended C": ["[\\u2C60-\\u2C7F]", 32],
"Unicode Latin Extended D": ["[\\uA720-\\uA7FF]", 29],
"Unicode Cyrillic Uppercase": ["[\\u0410-\\u042F]", 32],
"Unicode Cyrillic Lowercase": ["[\\u0430-\\u044F]", 32]
When not exist a pylintrc file. We can create using command below:
pylint --generate-rcfile > ~/.
pylint ./hsimpy/*.py
pycodestyle ./hsimpy/*.py
After package installing, into folder of project enter below command.
virtualenv hsimp_env
pip3 install -r requirements-test.txt
python3 -m unittest discover tests # will discover al tests