
Project Goals

in this project I wnat to explore a a few techniques to draw smooth curves and shapes from vector graphics in zwero limited texture format like sdf with a final goal of creating a way to create an assset exporter that can be used in engines like unity or godot. I'll try documenting in a journal like fashion.

as initial decisions i want to use:

  • cpp as the main programming language,
  • opengl as a rendering backend,
  • imgui for gui library,
  • git for version controll,
  • visual studio for solution management.

That is a mix of subjects that I feel confortable in and subjects that I want to improve.

first day goals

my goal for the first session is to be able to compile a base application for imgui and show a dynamicly create texture inside a window, that is something that i was able to acomplish before, but in an unstructured way, today i want to experiment with structuring my code in a maintanable form

the initial goal was achieved, making sure that the project could change directories and still compile, and liking and including all dependencies was kind of a challange but it was a success, I did not bother to for now I'll try to organize the files only based on visual studio filters.

I ended up the day implementing a simple formula for a circle SDF and pushing to GitHUB

screenshot of the project with a simple texture