
a little tool to hopefully make life a lot easier

Primary LanguagePython



A lightweight tool for creating and managing QuickBase models!

Turn this 👎

# select relevant info
select = [3, 43, 23, 63, 21, 52, 24, 54]

Into this 👍

from references.order_manager import Order
select = [

With just a few lines of code!


pip install quickbase-model-maker



The sample code below will initialize your models for use in your application. Models are created within their respective app folders, in a new directory called references.

# import model maker
from quickbase_model_maker import ModelMaker

# create model maker with realm and auth info
qmm = ModelMaker(realm='realm', auth='AUTH-TOKEN')

# register tables you wish to create models from
    ('bqs5asdf', 'bqs5aser'), # ('app_id', 'table_id') tuples
    ('bqs5abzc', 'brzaners'),
    ('bqs5abzc', 'brzanvac'),
    ('bqs5abzc', 'bqs5wers'),

Generate your models, based off of the registered tables, with the .sync() method.

# call sync method to create models

Optionally, you can sync all registered tables, regardless of whether they have already been synced. It is recommended to call .sync() only when you wish to re-generate models, as each model sync with Quickbase costs 1 API call. You only have to generate models once - or when you wish to update your models (i.e. new field you need to access added on quickbase). Calling .sync() on every script run could result in a large number of API calls.


In code

Once registered and created, models can be used in your application.
The following code uses a fictional "Order" model to demonstrate how one can access the ORDER_TYPE field. One can also access useful metadata through methods like .table_id() and .app_id().

from references.orders import Order

Removing Models

Models can easily be removed by doing the following:

  • Remove the model from the references/app directory
  • Remove the related table from the references/__init__.py file.
  • Remove the related table tuple from the .register_tables() method.