
Lets competing programs play Ultimate Tic Tac Toe and communicate via stdin and stdout

Ultimate Tic Tac Toe

Let's play!

This repo lets two programs play against each other in ultimate tic tac toe. The managing program will decide which player goes first and turns go as follows:

    while game not finished
        send game state to active player
        receive move
        check if game finished
        switch active player


Ultimate Tic Tac Toe (UTTT) is played on a nested set of tic tack toe gameboards. Rules and gameplay can be found here https://mathwithbaddrawings.com/2013/06/16/ultimate-tic-tac-toe .

Note that subboards that result in a tie result in neither X nor O occupying that spot on the board.


We will refer to locations on a tic tac toe board numbered as such:

    1 | 2 | 3 
    4 | 5 | 6
    7 | 8 | 9

When we nest boards, we will refer to locations with the location the largest board first. So 11 is the upper left location in the upper left subboard and 51 is the upper left location in the middle subboard.

Player I/O

A player program needs to implement the following logic

    while game not finished
        read input
        break if end of game
        else respond with move

Possible input sent by the managing program is * Game state as a string, if it is your program's turn, followed by a newline * a newline, if the game is over and your program should exit

Game State

A string encoding of game state will look like the following

    11:  12:  13:O 14: 15:X 16: ....

That is, the coordinates of the subboard location, followed by an X, an O, or a if it is unoccupied, followed by an additional space.

Important: Your program is always X for ease of implementation. The managing program will keep track of who is X and O.

Making a move

To make a move print your move coordinates to stdout followed by a newline.

Bad Input

If your program emits an illegal move (not a valid location, an occupied location, or a location you are not allowed to currently choose), you will be sent a newline in response (which you should treat as the end of the game). The managing program should print out appropriate insults.