This is based on and derived from the Scottish Digital Health EtherCIS Server Docker Container, but fixed for operation on a Linux host.
This Docker Container must be used in conjunction with the ethercis-db-1.3 Container
Prebuilt docker images for both are available on the Docker Hub:
- rtweed/ethercis-db
- rtweed/ethercis-server
This container is best run on a Linux platform or Virtual Machine, eg Ubuntu 18.04
Install Docker (unless already installed)
curl -sSL | sh
To avoid using sudo when running docker commands:
sudo usermod -aG docker ${USER}
su - ${USER}
NB: You'll be asked to enter your Linux password
Load the Container
docker pull rtweed/ethercis-server
Create a Docker Network (unless already created)
docker network create ecis-net
Confirm that it's been created by listing your Docker networks
docker network ls
You should see ecis-net included in the list as a bridged network
Running the Container
docker run -it --rm --name ethercis-server --net ecis-net -e DB_IP=ethercis-db -e DB_PORT=5432 -e DB_USER=postgres -e DB_PW=postgres -p 8081:8080 rtweed/ethercis-server
the DB_IP environment variable value should match the name you specified in the docker run command that started the EtherCIS database Container
the DB_PORT, DB_USER and DB_PW values should be left as specified above
change the external listener port as required. In the example above, it will be listening on port 8081. The intername listener port MUST be 8080
Leave the EtherCIS server a few seconds to start up. It should then be connecting to the EtherCIS Database Container and is ready for use.
- much of the original work for this repo came from by Seref Arikan
- also helpful was this other EtherCIS docker setup