This is the pytorch implementation of the paper "A binary domain generalization for sparsifying binary neural networks", published in ECML PKDD 2023. Authors: R. Schiavone, F. Galati and M. A. Zuluaga.

Primary LanguagePython


This is the pytorch implementation of the paper "A binary domain generalization for sparsifying binary neural networks", published in ECML PKDD 2023. Authors: R. Schiavone, F. Galati and M. A. Zuluaga.

High level view

In this paper for sparsifying binary network

  • We resort to entropy to reach sparsity
  • When using entropy the goal is to optimize the network to be largely skewed to one of the two possible weight values, i.e. a very low entropy.
  • This leads to a significant asymmetry in the distribution of the weight values
  • Representing this asymmetry using symmetric values used by standard binary networks is suboptimal since these use symmetric values
  • Thus we propose a more general binary domain ($\alpha$, $\beta$) that allows the weight values of the network to adapt to the asymmetry. With this we can capture that information and achieve a better representation.