
Barebones personal site with no build. Coding like it's 200X.

Primary LanguageHTML


A no transpile, no build microsite. Happily trading dependencies and pipelines for some extra typing. Modern browsers make it fun to write code like it's 200X.

Local development

# Install a tiny tool for HTML partials
npm install

npm run dev

Optimize and subset fonts

We need to subset fonts for best performance, especially since I'm preloading fonts for a more refined experience. To do this we use Zach Leatherman's project glyphhanger and the pyftsubset library, with some help from Sara Soueidan's glyphhanger tutorial and Markos Kon's post on optimizing fonts with pyftsubset. Fontdrop is a helpful tool to check the feature and character set of an optimized font.

Install dependencies:

brew install python3
python3 -m ensurepip
pip3 install fonttools brotli zopfli

Generate optimized fonts:


Testing in production

Load https://robwierzbowski.com.