
Rack Middleware for CAPTCHA verification via Recaptcha API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status

Drop this Rack middleware in your web application to enable CAPTCHA verification via Recaptcha API.

How to Use


First, install the library with: [sudo] gem install rack-recaptcha

You have to require 'rack-recaptcha' in your gemfile.

## Gemfile
gem 'rack-recaptcha', :require => 'rack/recaptcha'
Available options for `Rack::Recaptcha` middleware are:

* :public_key -- your ReCaptcha API public key *(required)*
* :private_key -- your ReCaptcha API private key *(required)*
* :proxy_host -- the HTTP Proxy hostname *(optional)*
* :proxy_port -- the HTTP Proxy port *(optional)*
* :proxy_user -- the HTTP Proxy user *(optional, omit unless the proxy requires it)*
* :proxy_password -- the HTTP Proxy password *(optional, omit unless the proxy requires it)*

Now configure your app to use the middleware. This might be different across each web framework.


## app.rb
use Rack::Recaptcha, :public_key => 'KEY', :private_key => 'SECRET'
helpers Rack::Recaptcha::Helpers


## app/app.rb
use Rack::Recaptcha, :public_key => 'KEY', :private_key => 'SECRET'
helpers Rack::Recaptcha::Helpers


## application.rb:
module YourRailsAppName
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.gem 'rack-recaptcha', :lib => 'rack/recaptcha'
    config.middleware.use Rack::Recaptcha, :public_key => 'KEY', :private_key => 'SECRET'

## application_helper.rb or whatever helper you want it in.
module ApplicationHelper
  include Rack::Recaptcha::Helpers

## application_controller.rb or whatever controller you want it in.
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include Rack::Recaptcha::Helpers


The Rack::Recaptcha::Helpers module (for Sinatra, Rails, Padrino) adds these methods to your app:

  • recaptcha_tag(type,options={}) -- generates the appropriate recaptcha scripts. must be included in a form_tag

    • recaptcha_tag(:challenge) => generates a recaptcha script
    • recaptcha_tag(:ajax) => generates an ajax recaptcha script
      • if passed in a :display option, you can further alter the recaptcha_tag
        • recaptcha_tag(:ajax, :display => {:theme => 'white'}) - recaptcha tag in white theme.
    • recaptcha_tag(:noscript) => generates a recaptcha noscript
    • you can also pass in :public_key manually as well.
      • recaptcha_tag(:challenge,:public_key => 'PUBLIC')
  • recaptcha_valid? -- returns whether or not the verification passed.

The recaptcha_valid? helper can also be overloaded during tests. You can set its response to either true or false by doing the follow:


will have the helper return true or

Rack::Recaptcha.test_mode! :return => false

to have the helper always return false.


In Padrino, here's how you would use the helpers.

## new.haml
- form_tag '/login', :class => 'some_form', :method => 'post' do
  = text_field_tag :email
  = password_field_tag :password
  = recaptcha_tag(:challenge)
  = submit_tag "Submit"

## sessions.rb
post :create, :map => '/login' do
  if recaptcha_valid?

In rails, you'll need to use also use the raw method:

## new.html.haml
- form_tag '/login' do
  = raw recaptcha_tag(:challenge)
  = submit_tag "Submit"


Daniel Mendler - minad

  • support for multiple paths and helpers clean up

Eric Anderson - eric1234

  • Make verify independently usable.

Chad Johnston - iamthechad

  • Adding Error Message handling in recaptcha widget

Eric Hu - eric-hu

  • Patching error message issue when no request is present

Tobias Begalke - elcamino

  • Added HTTP Proxy support

Julik Tarkhanov - julik

  • Adding rack-recaptcha to travis-ci

Note on Patches/Pull Requests

  • Fork the project.
  • Make your feature addition or bug fix.
  • Add tests for it. This is important so I don't break it in a future version unintentionally.
  • Commit, do not mess with rakefile, version, or history. (if you want to have your own version, that is fine but bump version in a commit by itself I can ignore when I pull)
  • Send me a pull request. Bonus points for topic branches.


Copyright (c) 2011 Arthur Chiu. See LICENSE for details.