AHK-Rare - collection of rare or very useful single functions
This is a collection of functions I found at Autohotkey-Forum or inside Autohotkey Scripts. Sometimes you will find one of it an official Autohotkey-Library. Approximately 90-95% of the functions can not be found in any of the 1000 libraries that I have also put together here at Github.
Some of the collected function seems to be multiple in this collection, because they sometimes use very different methods. This is a crucial difference. You wan’t find “THE ONLY ONE” good function here. Take what is the better right now! From that I build up a script individual library.
Last modification date: 15.12.2018, Changes are below! At the end: complete list of all functions. The functions are sorted by topic as shown in the picture. Remark: I didn’t tested all functions and sorting is very different.
In the AHK forum I read that "Codefolding does not work". After trying it with Sublime Text Editor I noticed that Sublime does not natively support codefolding via the syntax ;{ , ;}. Maybe that's the problem. The collection was created with Scite4Autohotkey.
ExtratIcon() | extract icon from a resource file |
GetIconSize() | determines the size of the icon (Lexikos function) |
Gdip_GetHICONDimensions() | get icon dimensions |
FoxitInvoke() | wm_command wrapper for FoxitReader Version: 9.1 |
WinSaveCheckboxes() | save the status of checkboxes in other apps |
GetButtonType() | uses the style of a button to get it’s name |
KeyValueObjectFromLists() | merge two lists into one key-value object, useful for 2 two lists you retreave from WinGet |
List2Array() | function uses StrSplit () to return an array |
CRC32() | CRC32 function, uses MCode |
MeasureText() | Measures the single-line width and height of the passed text |
Gdip_BitmapReplaceColor() | using Mcode to replace a color with a specific variation |
Gdi_ExtFloodFill() | fills an area with the current brush |
Gdip_AlphaMask32v1() | 32bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode - one of two builds |
Gdip_AlphaMask32v2() | 32bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode - second of two builds |
Gdip_AlphaMask64() | 64bit Gdip-AlphaMask with MCode |
CircleCrop() | gdi circlecrop with MCode |
ExploreObj() | renewed function to print contents of an object |
PIDfromAnyID() | for easy retreaving of process ID’s (PID) |
sortArray() | well working function (with example) |
optimized layout, began to assign a number for functions identification, Split topics to find functions faster, each function will get the following description* over time:
/* DESCRIPTION of function
Description :
Link :
Author :
Date :
AHK-Version :
License :
Parameter(s) :
Return value :
Remark(s) :
Dependencies :
KeyWords :
*in preparation for a comfortable search and editing program.
- Ansi2Oem() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
- Oem2Ansi() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
- Ansi2UTF8() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
- UTF82Ansi() - using Ansi2Unicode and Unicode2Ansi functions
- FindChildWindow() - new version! - If there was no title or text for the childwindow, the returned value was empty, so this function can handle now a new search parameter -Class or ClassNN-
- StdoutToVar_CreateProcess() - Runs a command line program and returns its output
- DNSQuery() - retrieve IP adresses or host/domain names from DNS
- CreateDIB() - a wonderfull function by SKAN to draw tiled backgrounds (like chess pattern) to a gui, it can also draw gradients
- GuiControlLoadImage() - scale down a picture to fit the given width and height of a picture control
- Gdip_ResizeBitmap() - returns resized bitmap
- Gdip_CropBitmap() - returns cropped bitmap. Specify how many pixels you want to crop (omit) from each side of bitmap rectangle
- FontClone() - backup hFont in memory for further processing
- GuiDefaultFont() - returns the default Fontname & Fontsize
- DateDiff() - returns the difference between two timestamps in the specified units
- ObjectNameChange() - titlebar hook to detect when title changes, (Lexikos’ code)
- StrGetDimAvgCharWidth() - average width of a character in pixels
- BlockKeyboard() - block keyboard, and unblock it through usage of keyboard
- GetFileFormat() - retreaves the codepage format of a file
- RunUTF8() - if a .exe file really requires its command line to be encoded as UTF-8, the following might work (a lexikos function)
- Is64bitProcess() - check if a process is running in 64bit
- getSessionId() - this functions finds out ID of current session
- SetTrayIcon() - sets a hex coded icon to as try icon
- HashFile() - calculate hashes (MD2,MD5,SH1,SHA256, SHA384, SHA512) from file ;23
- ControlGetClassNN() - different method is used here in compare to the already existing functions in this collection
- FocusedControl() - returns the HWND of the currently focused control, or 0 if there was a problem**
- GetClassName() - returns HWND‘s class name without its instance number, e.g. “Edit” or “SysListView32”
- ControlSelectTab() - SendMessage wrapper to select the current tab on a MS Tab Control.
- ClickOK() - function that search for any button in a window that might be an ‘Ok’ button to close a window dialog
- 4 different AddToolTip() functions - very easy to use function to add a tooltip to a control
- Control_GetFont() - retrieves the used font of a control
HostToIp() - gets the IP address for the given host directly using the WinSock 2.0 dll, without using temp files or third party utilities
LocalIps() - with small changes to HostToIP() this can be used to retrieve all LocalIP‘s
IE_TabActivateByHandle() - activates a tab by hwnd in InternetExplorer
IE_TabWinID() - find the HWND of an IE window with a given tab name
GetAdaptersInfo() - GetAdaptersAddresses function & IP_ADAPTER_ADDRESSES structure
Color_RGBtoHSV() - converts beetween color two color spaces: RGB -> HSV
Color_HSVtoRGB() - converts beetween color two color spaces: HSV -> RGB
ACCTabActivate() - activate a Tab in IE - function uses acc.ahk library
TabActivate() - a different approach to activate a Tab in IE - function uses acc.ahk library
CleanLine() - Return a line with leading and trailing spaces removed, and tabs converted to spaces
StrTrim() - Remove all leading and trailing whitespace including tabs, spaces, CR and LF
GetWordsNumbered() - gives back an array of words from a string, you can specify the position of the words you want to keep
PrintArr() - show values of an array in a listview gui for debugging
StrDiff() - SIFT3 : Super Fast and Accurate string distance algorithm
LV_SubitemHitTest() - get‘s clicked column in listview
LV_EX_FindString() - find an item in any listview , function works with ANSI and UNICODE (tested)
LV_RemoveSelBorder() - remove the listview‘s selection border
LV_SetExplorerTheme() - set ‘Explorer’ theme for ListViews & TreeViews on Vista+
LV_Update() - update one listview item
LV_RedrawItem() - this one redraws on listview item
LV_SetExStyle() - set / remove / alternate extended styles to the listview control
LV_GetExStyle() - get / remove / alternate extended styles to the listview control
LV_IsItemVisible() - determines if a listview item is visible
LV_SetIconSpacing() - Sets the space between icons in the icon view
LV_GetIconSpacing() - Get the space between icons in the icon view
LV_GetItemPos() - obtains the position of an item
LV_SetItemPos() - set the position of an item
LV_MouseGetCellPos() - returns the number (row, col) of a cell in a listview at present mouseposition
LV_GetColOrderLocal() - returns the order of listview columns for a local listview
LV_GetColOrder() - returns the order of listview columns for a listview
LV_SetColOrderLocal() - pass listview hWnd (not listview header hWnd)
LV_GetCheckedItems() - Returns a list of checked items from a standard ListView Control
LV_ClickRow() - simulates a left mousebutton click on a specific row in a listview
WinActivateEx() - Activate a Window, with extra Error Checking and More Features
AutoCloseBlockingWindows() - close all open popup (childwindows), without knowing their names, of a parent window
SetParentByClass() - set parent window by using its window class
MoveTogether() - move 2 windows together - using DllCall to DeferWindowPos
SetWindowTheme() - set Windows UI Theme by window handle
HideFocusBorder() - hides the focus border for the given GUI control or GUI and all of its children
WinWaitCreated() - Wait for a window to be created, returns 0 on timeout and ahk_id otherwise
closeContextMenu() - a smart way to close a context menu
CheckWindowStatus() - check’s if a window is responding or not responding (hung or crashed) -
GuiDisableMove() - to fix a gui/window to its coordinates
WinInsertAfter() - insert a window after a specific window handle
GetWindowOrder() - determines the window order for a given (parent-)hwnd
EnumWindows() - Get a list with all the top-level windows on the screen or controls in the window
CenterWindow() - center a window or set position optional by using Top, Left, Right, Bottom or a combination of it
MouseGetText() - get the text in the specified coordinates, function uses Microsoft UIA
unmovable() - makes Gui unmovable
movable() - makes Gui movable
A_DefaultGui() - a nice function to have a possibility to get the number of the default gui
GetInfoUnderCursor() - retreavies ACC-Child under cursor
GetAccPath() - get the Acc path from (child) handle
GetEnumIndex() - for Acc child object
enumChildCallback() - i think this retreave’s the child process ID for a known gui hwnd and the main process ID
GetFileAttributes() - get attributes of a file or folder
SetFileTime() - to set the time
SetFileAttributes() - set attributes of a file or folder
FileSetSecurity() - set security for the file / folder
FileSetOwner() - set the owner to file / directory
FileGetOwner() - get the owner to file / director
GDI_GrayscaleBitmap() - Converts GDI bitmap to 256 color GreyScale
Convert_BlackWhite() - Convert exist imagefile to black&white , it uses machine code
SaveHBITMAPToFile() - saves the hBitmap to a file
DrawRotatePictureOnGraphics() - rotate a pBitmap
CopyBitmapOnGraphic() - copy a pBitmap of a specific width and height to the Gdip graphics container (pGraphics)
ClipboardGetDropEffect() - Clipboard function. Retrieves if files in clipboard comes from an explorer cut or copy operation.
ClipboardSetFiles() - Explorer function for Drag&Drop and Pasting. Enables the explorer paste context menu option.
CopyFilesToClipboard() - copy files to clipboard
FileToClipboard() - copying the path to clipboard
FileToClipboard() - a second way to copying the path to clipboard
ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (first of three approaches)
Gdip_ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (second approach)
Gdip_ImageToClipboard() - Copies image data from file to the clipboard. (third approach)
AppendToClipboard() - Appends files to CF_HDROP structure in clipboard
ReadProcessMemory() - reads data from a memory area in a given process.
WriteProcessMemory() - writes data to a memory area in a specified process. the entire area to be written must be accessible or the operation will fail
CopyMemory() - Copy a block of memory from one place to another
MoveMemory() - moves a block memory from one place to another
FillMemory() - fills a block of memory with the specified value
ZeroMemory() - fills a memory block with zeros
CompareMemory() - compare two memory blocks
VirtualAlloc() - changes the state of a region of memory within the virtual address space of a specified process. the memory is assigned to zero.AtEOF
VirtualFree() - release a region of pages within the virtual address space of the specified process
ReduceMem() - reduces usage of memory from calling script
GlobalLock() - memory management function
LocalFree() - free a locked memory object
CreateStreamOnHGlobal() - creates a stream object that uses an HGLOBAL memory handle to store the stream contents. This object is the OLE-provided implementation of the IStream interface.
CoTaskMemFree() - releases a memory block from a previously assigned task through a call to the CoTaskMemAlloc () or CoTaskMemAlloc () function.
CoTaskMemRealloc() - change the size of a previously assigned block of working memory
VarAdjustCapacity() - adjusts the capacity of a variable to its content
GetUIntByAddress() - get UInt direct from memory. I found this functions only within one script
SetUIntByAddress() - write UInt direct to memory
RtlUlongByteSwap64() - routine reverses the ordering of the four bytes in a 32-bit unsigned integer value (2 functions for AHK v1 und AHK v2)
GetPhysicallyInstalledSystemMemory() - recovers the amount of RAM in physically installed KB from the SMBIOS (System Management BIOS) firmware tables, WIN_V SP1+
GlobalMemoryStatus() - retrieves information about the current use of physical and virtual memory of the system
GetSystemFileCacheSize() - retrieves the current size limits for the working set of the system cache
DriveSpace() - retrieves the DriveSpace
RtlGetVersion() - retrieves version of installed windows system
UserAccountsEnum() - list all users with information
GetCurrentUserInfo() - obtains information from the current user
FontEnum() - enumerates all uniquely-named fonts in the system that match the font characteristics specified by the LOGFONT structure
GetFontTextDimension() - calculate the height and width of the text in the specified font
GetFontProperties() - to get the current font‘s width and height
RadianToDegree() - convert radian (rad) to degree
DegreeToRadian() - convert degree to radian (rad)
RGBToARGB() - convert RGB to ARGB
ARGBToRGB() - convert ARGB to RGB.
JEE_HexToBinData() - hexadecimal to binary
JEE_BinDataToHex() - binary to hexadecimal
JEE_BinDataToHex2() - binary to hexadecimal2
DllListExports() - List of Function exports of a DLL
pauseSuspendScript() - function to suspend/pause another script
GetCommState() - this function retrieves the configuration settings of a given serial port
Hotkeys() - a handy function to show all used hotkeys in script
ColoredTooltip() - show a tooltip for a given time with a custom color in rgb format (fore and background is supported). This function shows how to obtain the hWnd of the tooltip.
PostMessageUnderMouse() - Post a message to the window underneath the mouse cursor, can be used to do things involving the mouse scroll wheel
GetBinaryType() - determines the bit architecture of an executable program
SetRestrictedDacl() - run this in your script to hide it from Task Manager
type(v) - Object version: Returns the type of a value: “Integer”, “String”, “Float” or “Object” by Lexikos
type(ByRef v) - COM version: Returns the type of a value: “Integer”, “String”, “Float” or “Object” by Lexikos
Time() - calculate with time, add minutes, hours, days - add or subtract time
WM_SETCURSOR() - Prevent “sizing arrow” cursor when hovering over window border
getActiveProcessName() - this function finds the process to the ‘ForegroundWindow’
GetHandleInformation() - obtain certain properties of a HANDLE
SetHandleInformation() - establishes the properties of a HANDLE
InvokeVerb() - executes the context menu item of the given path
I’ve found a lot function this time. I checked the found functions that these can not actually be found in any library, so that these can really be called "Rare". I added some more descriptions, examples, links and moved some functions to the right category.
***** changing the signs to default code folding signs. I changed ;{ to { ; and ;} to }. I hope it will work in most cases and most code editors.
####+added new section: RegEx - Strings - useful strings for RegExMatch or Replace
2 RegEx strings to find AHK-functions - not tested yet
StrCount() - a very handy function to count a needle in a Haystack
SuperInstr() - Returns min/max position for a | separated values of Needle(s)
GetText() - copies the selected text to a variable while preserving the clipboard.(Ctrl+C method)
PutText() - Pastes text from a variable while preserving the clipboard. (Ctrl+v method)
GetFuncDefs() - get function definitions from a script
ExploreObj() - returns a string containing the formatted object keys and values (very nice for debugging!)
LineDelete() - deletes lines of text from variables / no loop
ExtractFuncTOuserAHK() - extract user function and helps to write it to userAhk.api
PdfToText() - copies a selected PDF file to memory - it needs xpdf - pdftotext.exe
PdfPageCounter() - counts pages of a pdffile (works with 95% of pdf files)
PasteWithIndent() - paste string to an editor with your prefered indent key
SplitLine() - split string to key and value
Ask_and_SetbackFocus() - by opening a msgbox you lost focus and caret pos in any editor - this func will restore the previous positions of the caret
Valueof() - Super Variables processor by Avi Aryan, overcomes the limitation of a single level ( return %var% ) in nesting variables
WinSetPlacement() - Sets window position using workspace coordinates (-> no taskbar)
AttachToolWindow() - Attaches a window as a tool window to another window from a different process.
DeAttachToolWindow() - removes the attached ToolWindow
GetFreeGuiNum() - gets a free gui number
DisableFadeEffect() - disabling fade effect on gui animations
RMApp_NCHITTEST() - Determines what part of a window the mouse is currently over
SetWindowTransistionDisable() - disabling fade effect only for the window of choice
IsWindowUnderCursor() - Checks if a specific window is under the cursor.
GetCenterCoords() - ?center a gui between 2 monitors?
Menu_AssignBitmap() - assign bitmap to any item in any AHk menu
guiMsgBox() - GUI Message Box to allow selection
DisableMinimizeAnim() - disables or restores original minimize anim setting
GetTextSize() - a corrected version of this function from majkinetor (tested)
MeasureText() - alternative to other functions which calculate the text size before display on the screen
WinGetClientPos() - gives back the coordinates of client area inside a gui/window - with DpiFactor correction
winfade() - another winfade function
TT_Console() - Use Tooltip as a User Interface it returns the key which has been pressed
ToolTipEx() - Display ToolTips with custom fonts and colors
SafeInput() - makes sure sure the same window stays active after showing the InputBox. Otherwise you might get the text pasted into another window unexpectedly.
CreateFont() - creates font in memory which can be used with any API function accepting font handles
GetHFONT() - gets a handle to a font used in a AHK gui for example
MsgBoxFont() - style your MsgBox with with your prefered font
DisableCloseButton() - to disable/grey out the close button
LV_HeaderFontSet() - sets a different font to a Listview header (it's need CreateFont() function) - formerly this function needs a function as a rewrite of SendMessage, I changed it to a DLLCall without an extra function, the depending function CreateFont() can be also found in this file
LV_Find() - I think it‘s usefull to find an item position a listview
LV_GetSelectedText() - returns text from selected rows in ListView (in a user friendly way IMO.)
LV_Notification() - easy function for showing notifications by hovering over a listview
LV_IsChecked() - alternate method to find out if a particular row number is checked
LV_SetCheckState() - check (add check mark to) or uncheck (remove the check mark from) an item in the ListView control
LV_SetItemState() - with this function you can set all avaible states to a listview item
ControlDoubleClick() - simulates a double click on a control with left/middle or right mousebutton
GetFocusedControl() - get focused control from active window -multi Options[ClassNN \ Hwnd \ Text \ List \ All] available
ControlGetTextExt() - 3 different variants are tried to determine the text of a control
getControlInfo() - get width and heights of controls
ControlSetTextAndResize() - set a new text to a control and resize depending on textwidth and -height
GetCPA_file_name() - retrieves Control Panel applet icon
IsControlUnderCursor() - Checks if a specific control is under the cursor and returns its ClassNN if it is
TaskList() - list all running tasks (no use of COM)
ResConImg() - Resize and convert images. png, bmp, jpg, tiff, or gif
ReleaseModifiers() - helps to solve the Hotkey stuck problem
isaKeyPhysicallyDown() - belongs to ReleaseModifiers() function
CreateCircleProgress(s) - very nice to see function for a circle progress
IndexOfIconResource() - function is used to convert an icon resource id (as those used in the registry) to icon index(as used by ahk)
GetIconforext() - Gets default registered icon for an extension
IsConnected() - Returns true if there is an available internet connection
RGBrightnessToHex() - transform rbg (with brightness) values to hex
GetHueColorFromFraction() - get hue color from fraction. example: h(0) is red, h(1/3) is green and h(2/3) is blue (345)
MouseDpi() - Change the current dpi setting of the mouse
GetProcessName() - Gets the process name from a window handle.
GetDisplayOrientation() - working function to get the orientation of screen
FileCRC32() - Computes and returns CRC32 hash for a File passed as parameter
FindFreeFileName() - Finds a non-existing filename for Filepath by appending a number in brackets to the name
ToggleSystemCursor() - choose a cursor from system cursor list
GetSysErrorText() - method to get meaningful data out of the error codes
getSysLocale() - gets the system language
URLPrefGui() - shimanov‘s workaround for displaying URLs in a gui
ReadProxy() - reads the proxy settings from the windows registry
CountFilesR() - count files recursive in specific folder (uses COM method)
CountFiles() - count files in specific folder (uses COM method)
GetThreadStartAddr() - returns start adresses from all threads of a process
FormatFileSize() - Formats a file size in bytes to a human-readable size string
SendToAHK() - Sends strings by using a hidden gui between AHK scripts
ReceiveFromAHK() - Receiving strings from SendToAHK
PathInfo() - splits a given path to return as object
- TimedFunction() - SetTimer functionality for functions
- ListGlobalVars() - ListGlobalVars() neither shows nor activates the AutoHotkey main window, it returns a string
- HelpToolTips() - To show defined GUI control help tooltips on hover.
- StringM() - String manipulation with many options is using RegExReplace (bloat, drop, Flip, Only, Pattern, Repeat, Replace, Scramble, Split)
- FileWriteLine() - To write data at specified line in a file.
- FileMD5() - File MD5 Hashing
- StringMD5() - String MD5 Hashing
- Dec2Base() - Base to Decimal and
- Base2Dec() - Decimal to Base conversion
- InjectDll() - injects a dll to a running process (ahkdll??)
- HexToFloat() - Hexadecimal to Float conversion
- FloatToHex() - Float to Hexadecimal conversion
- CalculateDistance() - calculates the distance between two points in a 2D-Space
- IsInRange() - shows if a second variable is in range
- GetRange() - another good screen area selection function
- GetComboBoxChoice() - Combobox function
- LB_AdjustItemHeight() - Listbox function
- LB_GetItemHeight() - Listbox function
- LB_SetItemHeight()- Listbox function
- GetClientSize() - get size of window without border
minor layout improvement (so I hope, anyway). In the AHK forum I read that codefolding does not work. After trying with the Sublime Text Editor I noticed that Sublime does not natively support codefolding via the syntax ;{ , ;}. Maybe that's the problem. The collection was created with Scite4Autohotkey.
- ChangeMacAdress() - change MacAdress, it makes changes to the registry!
- ListAHKStats() - Listvars with select desired section: ListLines, ListVars, ListHotkeys, KeyHistory
- LV_MoveRow() - the same like above, but slightly different. With integrated script example
- AddToolTip() - Add/Update tooltips to GUI controls
- ExtractTableData() - extracts tables from HTML files
- MouseExtras() - Allows to use subroutines for Holding and Double Clicking a Mouse Button.
- CaptureScreen() - screenshot function 4 - orginally from CaptureScreen.ahk
- CaptureCursor() - this captures the cursor, depending function of CaptureScreen()
- Zoomer() - zooms a HBitmap, depending function of CaptureScreen()
- SaveHBITMAPToFile() - saves a HBitmap to a file, depending function of CaptureScreen()
6 functions removed - depending functions not available or the functions are doubled, added some links to the sources of origin of the functions. As far as findable some feature descriptions and example scripts added.
- LV_SetBackgroundURL() - set a ListView's background image
- GetBgBitMapHandle() - returns the handle of a background bitmap in a gui
- CreatePatternBrushFrom() - can be used to repeat a pattern as background image in a gui
- GetLastActivePopUp() - passes the handle of the last active pop-up window of a parent window
- Convert() - converts ImageFiles
- GUI_AutoHide() - Autohide the GUI function
- DeskIcons() - i think its for showing all desktop icons
- WinFadeToggle()
- KilProcess() - uses DllCalls to end a process
- ConsoleSend() - Sends text to a console's input stream
- StdOutStream() - Store command line output in autohotkey variable. Supports both x86 and x64.
- LV_MoveRow() - moves a listview row up or down
- SetButtonF() - Set a button control to call a function instead of a label subroutine
- GetScriptVARs() - returns a key, value array with all script variables (e.g. for debugging purposes)
- GetAllInputChars() - Returns a string with input characters
- LoadScriptResource() - loads a resource into memory (e.g. picture, scripts..)
- HIconFromBuffer() - function provides a HICON handle e.g. from a resource previously loaded into memory (LoadScriptResource)
- hBMPFromPNGBuffer() - Function provides a hBitmap handle e.g. from a resource previously loaded into memory (LoadScriptResource)
- getNextControl() - I'm not sure if this function works could be an AHK code for the Control.GetNextControl method for System.Windows.Forms
- SaveSetColours() - Sys colours saving adapted from an approach found in Bertrand Deo's code
Organized layout, some functions moved to the right topic, delete duplicate functions, adding more info and examples*
Functionlist to Markdown.ahk - my script to handle the Markdown table output for this page. It's not a dynamic script! The output depends from the following syntax:
SystemCursor(OnOff=1) { ;-- hiding mouse cursor
-> it search for '(' followed by a ';--' , then it recognized it as a function, it uses the comment as short description
-> it ignores all functions without ';--' or functions that marked with ';{ sub' at the beginning and ';}' at the end:
;{ sub
;If [var] in [ .. ]
InVar(Haystack, Needle, Delimiter := ",", OmitChars := "") {
Loop, Parse, % Needle, %Delimiter%, %OmitChars%
if (A_LoopField = Haystack)
return 1
return 0
IsWindow(hWnd*) {
if !hWnd.MaxIndex()
return DllCall("User32.dll\GetForegroundWindow")
return i := DllCall("User32.dll\IsWindow", "Ptr", hWnd[1] )
, ErrorLevel := !i
new functions:
LVGetCount() - get current count of notes in a Listbox
LV_SetSelColors() - Sets the colors for selected rows in a ListView.
LV_Select() - de- or select a row in a ListView
TV_Find() - return the ID of an item based on the text of the item
FileCount(filter) - count matching files in the working directory
AddToolTip() - adds a ToolTip to a gui button
SetTaskbarProgress() - Accesses Windows 7's ability to display a progress bar behind a taskbar button
RegExSplit() -split a string by a regular expression pattern and receive an array as a result
CreateGist() - sends your script to your gist
IsOfficeFile() - checks if a file is an Office file
GetAllResponseHeaders() - Gets the values of all HTTP headers
GetImageTypeW() - Identify the image type (UniCode)
Edit_VCenter() - Vertically Align Text
BetterBox() - custom input box allows to choose the position of the text insertion point
BtnBox() - show a custom MsgBox with arbitrarily named buttons
LoginBox() - show a custom input box for credentials, return an object with Username and Password
MultiBox() - show a multi-line input box, return the entered text
PassBox() -show a custom input box for a password
LoadFile() - Loads a script file as a child process and returns an object
RGBRange() - returns an array for a color transition from x to y
SystemCursor() - hiding mouse cursor
getSelectionCoords() - creates a click-and-drag selection box to specify an area and returns the coordinates
Mean() - returns Average values in comma delimited list
Median() - returns Median in a set of numbers from a list
Mode() - returns the mode from a list of numbers
FloodFill() - filling an area using color banks
CreateBMPGradient() - Horizontal/Vertical gradient
NetStat() - passes information over network connections similar to the netstat -an CMD command.
TV_Load() - loads TreeView items from an XML string
FindChildWindow() - a very good function to get handles from child windows like MDI childs
WinGetMinMaxState() - returns the state of a window if maximized or minimized
TimeCode() - result is a date-time string or only time-string (13.05.2018, 11:35:01.241) - can be useful for any kind of logging
RegRead64(), RegWrite64() - This script provides RegRead64() and RegWrite64() functions that do not redirect to Wow6432Node on 64-bit machines. Registry calls from 32 bit applications running on 64 bit machines are normally intercepted by the system and redirected from HKLM\SOFTWARE to HKLM\SOFTWARE\Wow6432Node.
CreateOpenWithMenu() - Creates an 'open with' menu for the passed file. a function by just me based on code from qwerty12
CircularText(), RotateAroundCenter() - Given a string it will generate a bitmap of the characters drawn with a given angle between each char, if the angle is 0 it will try to make the string fill the entire circle.
QuickSort() - Sort dense arrays or matrices based on Quicksort algorithm
FrameShadow(HGui) - Drop Shadow On Borderless Window, (DWM STYLE)
- getByControlName() - function uses DllCalls
- listAccChildProperty() - uses COM functionality
- getText(), getHtmlById(), getTextById(), getHtmlByTagName(), getTextByTagName() -get text or html from a string
- TabCtrl_GetCurSel(), TabCtrl_GetItemText() - the first returns the 1-based index of the currently selected tab, the second returns the tab name
- PIC_GDI_GUI() - a GDI Gui for showing pictures and more
- FullScreenToggleUnderMouse() - Window to pseudo fullscreen and back
- ControlCreateGradient() - Paint a gradient over a control - i think over buttons is not working
- Edit control type functions - 6 functions for reading and manipulating an Edit-Control
- DPIFactor() - get DPI Factor of system running this script, for easier creation of Gui windows
- FindWindow() - easily find any window
- GetContextMenuState(), GetContextMenuID(), GetContextMenuText() - self descripting
- MenuGetAll(), MenuGetAll_sub() - self-descriptive
- GetListViewItemText(), GetListViewText() - retreave info's from other Listview's
- CatMull_ControlMove() - move a control along a Bezier-Spline
- WM_DEVICECHANGE() - OnMessage Device Change function from Autohotkey-Forum
- GetHTMLFragment() - what exactly does this function is unknown - found anywhere, but maybe useful
sometimes the function names are the same but they use different methods to get the same result
no tables this time due of errors in script