MMKV for Kotlin Multiplatform is a wrapper for MMKV using Kotlin API, developed by Ctrip Flight mobile team. Currently Android/iOS/macOS are supported.
Kotlin Multiplatform Common (kts):
dependencies {
Current version based on Kotlin 1.7.10
and MMKV 1.2.14
Pure Android platform (kts):
dependencies {
Kotlin/Native on macOS:
dependencies {
// Intel Chip
// M1&M2 Chip
Note, if you want to import MMKV-Kotlin to your Kotlin/Native executable project that target is macOS, you need to manually add dependency on MMKV, and add linkerOpts
on MMKV and MMKVCore:
kotlin {
macosX64 {
binaries {
// ......
all {
val moduleName = "mmkv_operator"
val mmkvPath = "${buildDir.absolutePath}/cocoapods/synthetic/OSX/$moduleName/build/Release/MMKV"
val mmkvCorePath = "${buildDir.absolutePath}/cocoapods/synthetic/OSX/$moduleName//build/Release/MMKVCore"
linkerOpts += listOf(
"-rpath", mmkvPath,
"-framework", "MMKV",
"-rpath", mmkvCorePath,
"-framework", "MMKVCore"
cocoapods {
// ......
pod(name = "MMKV") {
version = "1.2.14"
moduleName = "MMKV"
// ......
You can initialize MMKV when app or process initialization. MMKV-Android initialization API depends on Context. So, Android's initialization API is different from iOS.
import com.ctrip.flight.mmkv.initialize
// In Android source set
fun initializeMMKV(context: Context) {
val rootDir = initialize(context)
Log.d("MMKV Path", rootDir)
import com.ctrip.flight.mmkv.initialize
// In iOS source set
fun initializeMMKV(rootDir: String) {
Log.d("MMKV Path", rootDir)
You also could call MMKV-Android (Java) or MMKV-iOS (Objective-C) initialization API in your Android or iOS app project.
- MMKV has a global instance, you can use it directly::
import com.ctrip.flight.mmkv.defaultMMKV
fun demo() {
val kv = defaultMMKV()
kv.set("Boolean", true)
println("Boolean: ${kv.takeBoolean("Boolean")}")
kv.set("Int", Int.MIN_VALUE)
println("Int: ${kv.takeInt("Int")}")
kv.set("Long", Long.MAX_VALUE)
println("Long: ${kv.takeLong("Long")}")
kv.set("Float", -3.14f)
println("Float: ${kv.takeFloat("Float")}")
kv.set("Double", Double.MIN_VALUE)
println("Double: ${kv.takeDouble("Double")}")
kv.set("String", "Hello from mmkv")
println("String: ${kv.takeString("String")}")
val bytes = byteArrayOf(
kv.set("ByteArray", bytes)
println("ByteArray: ${kv.takeByteArray("ByteArray")?.toString()}")
- Deleting & Querying:
println("Boolean: ${kv.takeBoolean("Boolean")}")
kv.removeValuesForKeys(listOf("Int", "Long"))
println("allKeys: ${kv.allKeys()}")
val hasBoolean = kv.containsKey("Boolean")
- If different modules/logics need isolated storage, you can also create your own MMKV instance separately:
import com.ctrip.flight.mmkv.mmkvWithID
val kvWithMyId = mmkvWithID("MyID")
kvWithMyId.set("Boolean", true)
- If multi-process accessing is needed, you can set
on MMKV initialization:
import com.ctrip.flight.mmkv.mmkvWithID
import com.ctrip.flight.mmkv.MMKVModel
val kvMultiProcess = mmkvWithID("InterProcessKV", MMKVModel.MULTI_PROCESS)
kvMultiProcess.set("Boolean", true)
Supported Kotlin types in Kotlin Multiplatform common source set:
The following types are additionally supported in the Android source set:
Any class that implements Parcelable
The following types are additionally supported in the Apple source set:
NSDate and any class that implements NSCoding protocol
MMKV-Kotlin currently does not support migrating old data from SharedPreferences and NSUserDefaults.
MMKV-Kotlin is based on old Kotlin/Native memory management in Apple platform,We plan to migrate to Kotlin/Native's new memory management when it is released.
Distributed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
See LICENSE for more information.