
Google Maps flutter with live your current location (live tracking with marker)

Primary LanguageDart

Flutter Google Maps with Live Location

Source Code for Flutter Google Maps with live Location using goooglmap and location package.

App Features

  • Add current location to firebase and locate it in google map.
  • Enable your live location and track it live in other devices.

For Step By Step Guide Follow this:

  • Flutter Google Maps with live Location Tracker - Google maps flutter and location + Source Code
  • Go to Google Developer Console. [https://console.firebase.google.com]
  • Create a new project.
  • Enable Maps SDK for Android and Maps SDK for iOS in the API section. [https://console.cloud.google.com/]
  • Go to Credentials and create a new API key, Make sure you have choosed same project from console firebase.

Links used in project:

Enjoy this code