bootstrapper CLI for React App with basic conf for Caprover deployment.

It uses ViteJS ⚡️

Getting started 📌

You can install it globally OR use npx instead

npx react-starter-wcs my-fresh-app

cd my-fresh-app

npm run dev

Extra dependencies 📌

You can add some extra dependencies during the install prompt.

Currently, none of them add the extra template files.

Caprover 📌

You can add pre-made config files if you use Caprover as your deployment solution. Those are a Nginx config file, a Dockerfile and a captain-definition (needed for every Caprover app).

For CI/CD with Github Actions, see below.

GitHub Actions 📌


Those create files for automate different actions, give an eye here.

ESLint on PR ✏️

Running ESLint on Pull Request on master and dev. Customize it in the .github/workflows/eslint.yml file.

Build and push to production branch ✏️

Building the app and push it to a production branch once code is merged on master Customize it in the .github/workflows/builddeploy.yml file.

If you choose this action alongside Caprover config files, please replace the default Dockerfile with the following one

FROM nginx:1.13.9-alpine
RUN rm -rf /etc/nginx/conf.d
RUN mkdir -p /etc/nginx/conf.d
COPY ./default.conf /etc/nginx/conf.d/
COPY . /usr/share/nginx/html
CMD ["nginx", "-g", "daemon off;"]

BUT actually, it doesn't create the Caprover config files on that branch, you have to do it on your own, following this :

# Create your GitHub repo and link it...
git push -u origin master

# Wait for the action to perform

git fetch --all

git checkout production

# copy/paste Dockerfile, captain-definition and default.conf from master branch

git add Dockerfile captain-definition default.conf
git commit -m "youhou, basic config added ! :fire:"
git push -u origin production

Then setup your Caprover app