
LogScanner Icon

LogScanner is a tool designed for extracting and analyzing intents and entities from Botium execution log files.

How to Use It

Extracting Covered Intents

To extract the covered intents from your log files, execute the get_intents_infos.py script. The results will be stored in the /results/intents directory.

python get_intents_infos.py

Extracting Covered Entities

To extract the covered entities from your log files, execute the get_entities_infos.py script. The results will be stored in the /results/entities directory.

python get_entities_infos.py


# Clone the repository
git clone https://github.com/roccograpisarda/LogScanner.git
# Navigate to the repository directory
cd LogScanner

Tested Chatbots

LogScanner has been tested with the following chatbots.

Chatbot Name Description Source
E-Commerce provides support for the products of an e-commerce. Kommunicate
RoomReservation room management and reservation. Charm Repository
Weather Forecast provides weather forecasts for the specified location. Dialogflow
Currency-converter provides the value from one currency to another at the current exchange rate. Dialogflow
Temperature-converter gives the temperature from Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice versa. Dialogflow
G-Calendar appointment scheduler allows one to make an appointment and mark it in Google Calendar. Dialogflow
News provides news of the specified gender and country. Dialogflow


If you wish to contribute to this repository, follow these steps:

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Make your changes to the desired script.
  3. Submit a pull request with a detailed description of your modifications.

Issue Reporting

If you encounter issues or want to report bugs related to the modified chatbots in this repository, open a new issue in the source repository of the respective chatbot.