Live external csgo radar that displays players, smokes & bomb. It utilizes Aimware's ability to run LUA scripts, NodeJS, SocketIO & p5js.
I do not support cheating in video games. Any use of this software is considered exploting the game. This project was made for learning purposes only.
The software is written in NodeJS & Lua. It works as follows:
- Aimware runs the LUA scripts' main loop every gametick
- Main loop in LUA retrieves all the data: players, smokes, bomb & rounds.
- Main loop in LUA sends the formatted data (custom made format) over UDP to NodeJS server
- NodeJS authenticates the request
- NodeJS server parses the data and packs it into a neat JSON object
- NodeJS forwards data to webclient using
- Webclient displays data as a map using p5js
Since LUA does not support JSON natively I decided to create my own custom format, mostly for fun. Its structure is similar to JSON though.
The data is sent as a string and it contains <key|value> pairs which in turn may contain a single value or a list of objects. If it is a list each entry is separated by a semicolon (;) and contains its own list of {key:value} pairs. The reason each nested structure uses a different symbol is to simplify the parsing on the backend. Since it is really easy to split strings on the expected character and not have to worry about searching recursively.
Example <auth|someKeyHere><map|de_mirage><players|{name:player1},{team:2};{name:player2},{team:2}>