
How to get duration of wav file?

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How to get duration of wav file?
wxfred commented

Try this

const { data, fmt } = wav
const duration = data.chunkSize / fmt.numChannels / fmt.sampleRate / (fmt.bitsPerSample / 8)

I wasn't able to get the above working for me.

But I was able to use @wxfred 's suggestion to get it working using the following:

    // Where wav is a correctly created WaveFile:
    const duration: number = wav.chunkSize / wav.fmt.numChannels / wav.fmt.sampleRate / (wav.fmt.bitsPerSample / 8)
    // Some debug to validate values are coming back as expected.
        'wav.chunkSize', wav.chunkSize,
        'wav.fmt.numChannels', wav.fmt.numChannels,
        'wav.fmt.sampleRate', wav.fmt.sampleRate,
        'wav.fmt.bitsPerSample', wav.fmt.bitsPerSample

If you save the wave file, on MacOS you can validate the calculated duration of a final output using the built in utility:

afinfo filename.wav | grep duration

I found they were very close, but not exactly the same.

I calculate it in ms like this:

var duration = * 1000 / wav.fmt.blockAlign / wav.fmt.sampleRate / wav.fmt.numChannels;