
Getting and Cleaning Data, course project

Primary LanguageR

Table of Contents

#Getting and Cleaning Data

## Introduction

This is my submission for the course project Getting and Cleaning Data (getdata-006). I hope you enjoy my work, the way I've constructed the data set and the R code provided here to make it.

The file you are reading, README.md, contains exactly the same R code than the script file run_analysis.R provided to make the assignment. Here the ideas are developed and explained in great detail, whereas in the script you'll find R comments with references to the steps followed all along the work.

Please note that I've included the code book in the present repository. I've written it with markdown, so you can read it with the link CodeBook.

You can indistinctly run every single R in this file or run the script file. The final result shall be the same.

The Big Picture

First of all, I'd like to start by providing a big picture of the data set. Of course, reading the documentation that comes with the zip file is a big help to understand how to organize data.

After reading the documentation and with a simple examination of the files, it's quite easy to figure out that the data files contained in the zip must be organized as follows:

![data scheme here](data-scheme.png)

Each data block can be extracted from the files indicated in the figure, although more will be used during the construction process.

Omitting files

I deliberately omit all files contained in the test/Intertial Signals and train/Intertial Signals directories. The final dataset must contain only those measurements on the mean and standard deviation for each measurement, and neither of these directories contains such data. All measurements there correspond to body acceleration, gyroscope and total acceleration, so there's no need to worry about them.

## Getting Raw Data

Let's begin by the beginning.

Downloading files

The very first thing to do is to download the zip file from the given URL:

fileUrl <- "https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip"
download.file(fileUrl, destfile="dataset.zip", method="curl")

Files accommodation

I prefer to work with unzipped files both for reading from R and for taking a look at them:


This command results in the following directory structure populated with files:

                                              Used to extract
UCI HAR Dataset/                              -----------------------------
  ├── activity_labels.txt ................... metadata: activity names
  ├── features_info.txt
  ├── features.txt .......................... metadata: measure names
  ├── README.txt
  ├── test/
  │   ├── Inertial Signals
  │   │   ├── body_acc_x_test.txt
  │   │   :
  │   │   └── total_acc_z_test.txt
  │   ├── subject_test.txt .................. data: test: subject factor
  │   ├── X_test.txt ........................ data: test: observations
  │   └── y_test.txt ........................ data: test: activity factor
  └── train/
      ├── Inertial Signals
      ├── body_acc_x_train.txt
      │   :
      │   └── total_acc_z_train.txt
      ├── subject_train.txt ................. data: train: subject factor
      ├── X_train.txt ....................... data: train: observations
      └── y_train.txt ....................... data: train: activity factor

4 directories, 28 files

Preliminary data inspection

Just to test reading few lines from X_test.txt and to check the number of columns:

X_test.head <- data.table(read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt", nrows=10))
[1] 561

## Cleaning Data

X_test.txt and X_train.txt are huge files. They contain 561 variables for a total of 10,561 observations. According to the assignment specifications, only 66 variables are needed (66? see below).

It's a clear waste of time and memory to read these two files in its whole. It's better to use the read.table function to skip unneeded columns. But for that, first it's crucial to know which are those unneeded columns.

The plan is:

  • read the file features.txt
  • select those measurements matching mean and std
  • create a vector of factors to select columns, to be used by read.table

Selecting columns by name

The file features.txt contains the names of the measures following a simple convention. For example, some measures related to body acceleration BodyAcc are named as follows:

pefix feature suffix axis
t BodyAcc energy X, Y, Z
t BodyAcc mean X, Y, Z
t BodyAcc std X, Y, Z
t BodyAcc sma

When X, Y and Z axis are present, there is a single measure for each one.

We are only interested in names matching mean and std.

Caution: some variables also contain mean and std but aren't on the mean or standard deviation of measures. For example, variables like:

  • angle(tBodyAccMean,gravity)
  • angle(tBodyAccJerkMean),gravityMean)
  • angle(X,gravityMean)

refer to angles between forces, not means. The same for variables like:

  • fBodyAcc-meanFreq()-X
  • fBodyGyro-meanFreq()-X
  • fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-meanFreq()

which are the weighted average of the frequency components to obtain a mean frequency. Their mean counterpart already exist:

  • fBodyAcc-mean()-X
  • fBodyGyro-mean()-X
  • fBodyBodyAccJerkMag-mean()

The selected variables are those matching mean or std followed by (). The grep function return the index of each match:

features <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/features.txt", colClasses=c("NULL", NA))
features.idx <- grep("(mean|std)\\(", features[ , 1])

Variable features.idx contain the index of the target columns. Remaining ones must be dropped. How many columns are there?

[1] 66

Setting descriptive names

The most important part of this step is to set descriptive names for columns. The strings contained in file features.txt are quite descriptive, but can be slightly improved with simple replacements:

  • Change camelCaseNames to underscore_names
  • Remove parenthesis from names
  • Separate t and f indicators (for time and frequency)
  • Separate descriptors mean and std from names
  • Separate keywords Body, Gravity and Gyro in the start of the name
  • Put the axis, if present, at the end prefixed with an underscore

For example, the name tBodyAccJerk-mean()-Z will become t_mean_Body_AccJerk_Z. See the CodeBook for a complete list of variables.

The changes are easy to sapply using sub. First, features.name contains the name of the selected variables (according to features.idx):

features.name <- features[features.idx, 1]
features.name <- as.character(sapply(features.name, sub,
features.name <- as.character(sapply(features.name, sub,

The second part of this step consist to read names for activities. Later, numbers will be replaced by these names:

activityName <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/activity_labels.txt")

Selecting columns by position

read.table function accepts a parameter called colClasses to indicate the class of each column. It is possible to indicate "NULL" to skip columns and NA (the default) to automatically use type.convert. With this, the vector to read selected columns only is:

columnSelection <- rep("NULL", 561)
columnSelection[features.idx] = NA

## Reading data

Now it's time to read X_test and X_train to create X_data.


Few steps are needed to create X_test

  1. Read data columns
  2. Assign descriptive names to columns
  3. Read subject and activity factors
  4. Add them to X_test

In R language:

 # read X_test and set variable names
 X_test <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/X_test.txt", colClasses=columnSelection)
 names(X_test) <- features.name

 # read subject factor
 X_test.subject <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/subject_test.txt")

 # read activity factor
 X_test.activity <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/test/y_test.txt")

 # add subject and activity factors
 X_test <- transform(X_test,
                     subject = as.factor(X_test.subject[ , 1]),
                     activity = activityName[X_test.activity[ , 1], 2])


This is the same as for X_test:

 # read X_train and set variable names
 X_train <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/X_train.txt", colClasses=columnSelection)
 names(X_train) <- features.name

 # read subject factor
 X_train.subject <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/subject_train.txt")

 # read activity factor
 X_train.activity <- read.table("UCI HAR Dataset/train/y_train.txt")

 # add subject and activity factors
 X_train <- transform(X_train,
                      subject = as.factor(X_train.subject[ , 1]),
                      activity = activityName[X_train.activity[ , 1], 2])

## Putting it all together

Merging data.frames

The final data set X_data is the union of both data sets:

X_data <- rbind(X_test, X_train)

Writing tidy data set

The second data set must contain the average of each variable for each subject and each activity. X_avg is then computed as an aggregation of the variables selected in X_data:

X_avg <- aggregate(X_data[ , 1:66],
                   by=list(X_data$subject, X_data$activity),
colnames(X_avg)[1:2] <- c("subject", "activity")

Finally, write and attach the data set obtained:

write.table(X_avg, file="X_avg.txt", row.names=FALSE)

This data set has been attached in the project submission and also has been stored in this repository, X_avg.

--- The original data set is copyright of its authors: > *Davide Anguita, Alessandro Ghio, Luca Oneto, Xavier Parra and Jorge L. Reyes-Ortiz.* > **Human Activity Recognition on Smartphones using a Multiclass Hardware-Friendly Support Vector Machine.** > International Workshop of Ambient Assisted Living (IWAAL 2012). > Vitoria-Gasteiz, Spain. Dec 2012