
The working version for the 7 inch display

Primary LanguageC++

Project: YAZZ_WindDisplay_ESP32, Copyright 2020, Roy Wassili Contact: waps61 @gmail.com URL: https://www.hackster.io/waps61 TARGET: ESP32 VERSION: 1.35 Date: 22-04-2021 Last Update: 22-04-2021 Fixed a bug in the depth calculation incase a DBK message is read 08-11-2020 Added TWS calculation as defined in Starpath Truewind by DAvid Burch, 2000 TWS is calculated from AWA and SOG 04-11-2020 HMI now shows max SOG during trip. So prevent a false start due to sending fake data to the HMI in hmiCommtest(). It now only sets the status LED to HMI_READY 03-11-2020 Modifications made to get it working with the NX8048P070-011R display. Component updates are send through their setXXX function which implements the recvRetCommandFinished() function. When sendCommand() is used, it needs to be succeeded with the recvRetCommandFinished() command 21-10-2020 Implemented a serial protocol to overcome the limitations of the 32 bit register holding the paramaters to display wih a string based data set 11-10-2020 Tested on board and ok. This V1.0 as the master release 02-10-2020 V0.01 Port from Atmega328 to ESP from version 1.13

Achieved: 11-10-2020 Succesful SAT with Runnable version on ESP32 with Nextion HMI
Purpose: Build an NMEA0183 wind display to replace the old Robertsen wind displays supporting following types of tasks: - Reading NMEA0183 v2.x data without, - Parse the for wind and course and send datat to display -

1) NMEA encoding conventions in short An NMEA sentence consists of a start delimiter, followed by a comma-separated sequence of fields, followed by the character '' (ASCII 42), the checksum and an end-of-line marker. i.e. <field 0>,<field 1>,,, The start delimiter is either $ or !. <field 0> contains the tag and the remaining fields the values. The tag is normaly a 5 character wide identifier where the 1st 2 characters identify the talker ID and the last 3 identify the sentence ID. Maximum sentence length, including the $ and is 82 bytes.

        Source: https://gpsd.gitlab.io/gpsd/NMEA.html#_nmea_0183_physical_protocol_layer

    2)  Rx2(GPIO 16) and TX2(GPIO 17) are reserved for the display communication 115200Bd
        Digital GPIO 22 (and 23) are reserved for NMEA talker via
        SoftSerial on 4800 Bd

Hardware setup: The ESP32 has 3 Rx/Tx portsand has to be set to Serial2

Wiring Diagram (for NMEA0183 to NMEA0183 device): ESP32 | NMEA device GPIO 22 | RX +
GPIO 23 | TX +

Set the pins to the correct one for your development shield or breakout board. This program uses these data lines to the Nextion 3,5" Enhanced LCD, pin usage as follow: Nextion Rx | Tx | 5V | GND ESP32 GPIO16 | GPIO17 | 3.3V | GND NOTE: The above settings works with the USB power to the ESP32

! Remember to set the pins to suit your display module! and that the EPS32 GPIO ! pins run on 3.3V (and not 5V as the Arduino)

Terms of use:

The software is provided "AS IS", without any warranty of any kind, express or implied, including but not limited to the warranties of mechantability, fitness for a particular purpose and noninfringement. In no event shall the authors or copyright holders be liable for any claim, damages or other liability, whether in an action of contract, tort or otherwise, arising from, out of or in connection with the software or the use or other dealings in the software.


Do NOT use this compass in situations involving safety to life such as navigation at sea.

TO DO: - Connect HMI to 5V from the Buck converter i.s.o. 3.3V pin on ESP32 -Implement 2-way communication so that incomming NMEA data can be relayed to other devices. An NMEA0183 network is typically a daisy chained network

LIMITATIONS: As per the Arduino Nano V1.13;No relay of NMEA0183 data possible currently. So display needs to be implemented as the last node in the daisy chain.
