Panorama photo taken by the Mars Pathfinder in 1997.
Mars has long been the subject of science fiction; it is seen as a place that humans could settle in when they need safe refuge from an Earth-wide catastrophe. A project, called Mars One, intends to create habitable settlements for humans by 2023. But before humans could take the 150- to 300-day journey (depending on the speed of the spacecraft and the relative positions of the Earth and Mars), scientists took to the task to discover the planet's potential for human habitation. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has launched several missions in three stages: flybys; orbits; and landings and surface explorations. The most recent mission has seen the successful soft landing of the Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) lander on Mars on November 26, 2018. This further boosts NASA's capacity to collect and to transmit data in real-time back to Earth. In fact, InSight allowed Earthlings to hear, for the first time, Martian winds.
Thanks to the sensors that are now in place on Mars, it is now possible to collect information. The web app "On the Red Planet" features the latest news from NASA's Mars Exploration Program and the most recent weather update from the Curiosity rover. The app also shows featured images from the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology and photos of the four hemispheres of Mars referred to based on their unique features:
- Cerberus, a large dark spot believed to be composed of lava
- Schiaparelli, an impact crater near the Martian equator
- Syrtis Major, another dark spot, believed to be a shield volcano
- Valles Marineris, a series of canyons which could be a tectonic crack on the planet's surface
Data was obtained by web scraping using Python's (version 3.6) Beautiful Soup library and the open-source tool Splinter. Pandas and Numpy were used to process the data obtained from scraping the websites in Table 1.
# Dependencies for web scraping
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs
from splinter import Browser # Use splinter to automate browser actions
import requests
# Dependencies for data processing
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
Table 1. URLs used for web scraping news, weather information, and images about Mars
Topic | URL | variable in |
Latest News | | url_NASA |
Current Weather | | url_twitter |
Mars Planetary Facts | | url_facts |
Featured Image | | url_JPL |
Images of Martian Hemispheres | | url_hemi |
The codes were originally written in mission_to_mars.ipynb and were converted to the python script using the following code in the command line:
jupyter nbconvert --to python mission_to_mars.ipynb
Note: Because the python script was used in creating the Flask application, this script is featured below. The Jupyter notebook was used for testing the codes prior to developing the web application and is not detailed in the README.
Before conducting web scraping, the function init_browser()
was defined, which could start the splinter browser. The open-source tool chromedriver needed to be downloaded to make sure that the code below works. The path of the chromedriver also needed to be determined (using the !which chromedriver
code in the Jupyter notebook).
# Create a function that starts the splinter browser
def init_browser():
executable_path = {'executable_path': '/usr/local/bin/chromedriver'}
return Browser('chrome', **executable_path, headless=False)
Next, the web scraping function scrape
was defined.
# Create a function that automates the web scraping
def scrape():
browser = init_browser()
mars_current_data = {}
An empty dictionary mars_current_data
was created. This dictionary would contain the outputs of web scraping originating from the URLs in Table 1.
The first step in scraping was creating a Beautiful Soup object, which basically is the website content in a nested data structure. For example, web scraping for the latest news from NASA followed Table 2. These steps were conducted also for the other URL variables in Table 1.
Table 2. Workflow for creating the Beautiful Soup object for latest news stored in url_NASA
Step No | Description | Code |
1 | Access the URL | browser.visit(url_NASA) |
2 | Verify content of the URL | html_NASA = browser.html |
3 | Create a soup object | soup_NASA = bs(html_NASA, "html.parser") |
To help track the variables, see Table 3.
Table 3. Traceability from URL variable to Beautiful Soup object for text data.
Content | URL variable | html variable | bs object |
latest news | url_NASA | html_NASA | soup_NASA |
featured image | url_JPL | html_JPL | soup_JPL |
current weather | url_twitter | html_twitter | soup_twitter |
Martian hemispheres | url_hemi | html_hemi | soup_hemi |
The second step in scraping was finding the HTML tags that contained the relevant data and isolating the content. Because each website has a unique design, this step was customised for each soup object. NB: The codes are indented because they are inside the function scrape()
# News title and teaser
news_title = soup_NASA.find("div", class_ = "content_title").text.strip()
news_teaser = soup_NASA.find("div", class_ = "rollover_description_inner").text.strip()
# URL of the featured image and its caption
image = soup_JPL.find_all("a", class_ = "button fancybox")[0]
image_url = image.get("data-fancybox-href")
featured_image_url = "" + image_url
image_caption = image.get("data-description")
# Latest Mars weather report
mars_weather = soup_twitter.find("p", class_ = "tweet-text").text
Getting the planetary data required a different approach because the data was in a HTML table. Hence, pd.read_html()
was used to extract this HTML table into a list of dataframe objects.
# Get the HTML table
mars_facts = pd.read_html(url_facts) # list of dataframe objects
# Convert the HTML table to a dataframe
facts_df = mars_facts[0]
facts_df.columns = ["Category", "Data"]
The data was then converted to a new HTML table.
# Convert the dataframe into HTML table
# Resource:
facts_html = facts_df.to_html(index = False)
The hemisphere images were located in four separate webpages with links in url_hemi
. The webpage URLs were inside the <a></a>
children of the <div class = "description">
HTML tag. To get to the URLs, the description div classes were isolated:
# Retrieve the HTML elements with the link to each page containing
desc_hemi = soup_hemi.find_all("div", class_ = "description")
A for-loop was then used to extract the URLs:
# Create a list of links
partial_links = []
for div in desc_hemi:
for i in div.find_all("a"):
comp_links = []
for x in partial_links:
comp_links.append("" + x)
The name of each hemisphere was put in a list called titles
and then cleaned.
# remove the suffix "_enhanced"
titles = [url.replace("_enhanced", "") for url in comp_links]
# remove the base url
titles = [title.replace("", "") for title in titles]
# remove underscores
titles = [title.replace("_", " ") for title in titles]
# capitalise the hemisphere names
titles = [title.title() for title in titles]
To recap, the name and the URL of the webpage of each hemisphere were appended to the titles
and the comp_links
lists, respectively. The URL of each hemisphere image was obtained using the function get_url()
based on the index of each webpage URL in comp_links
. This function was nested inside scrape()
# Create a list of indices for scraping each hemisphere website using a loop
index_links = list(np.arange(len(comp_links)))
# Define a nested function that uses the index of each hemisphere website to get the image url
def get_url(int):
# Visit the url
# Scrape the contents
html_link = browser.html
soup = bs(html_link, "html.parser")
# Extract the url of the full image
img = soup.find_all("img", class_ = "wide-image")[0]
inc_img_link = img.attrs["src"]
comp_img_link = "" + inc_img_link
return comp_img_link
image_url = [get_url(idx) for idx in index_links]
The two lists, titles
and image_url
, were placed in a dataframe
hemi_df = pd.DataFrame({"title": titles, "image_url": image_url})
and then converted into a dictionary.
hemisphere_images_urls = hemi_df.to_dict("records")
Note: df.to_dict("records")
allows one to use each column header as a key and each row value as a value in a list of dictionaries (each dictionary corresponds to each row in the dataframe).
The third step in this workflow was adding the final outputs of each web scrape to the dictionary mars_current_data
. This was done right after each final output was generated.
mars_current_data["latest_news_title"] = news_title
mars_current_data["latest_news_teaser"] = news_teaser
mars_current_data["featured_image"] = featured_image_url
mars_current_data["featured_caption"] = image_caption
mars_current_data["weather"] = mars_weather
mars_current_data["fun_facts"] = facts_html
mars_current_data["hemisphere_images"] = hemisphere_images_urls
Hence, the function scrape
returned the now populated dictionary.
return mars_current_data
A templates
folder was created to store the index.html
file. This would allow
to extract from the MongoDB database directly and load onto the webpage. The index.html
used Bootstrap CSS for formatting and layouting.
A button on the <div class = "jumbotron">
that acted like a link to
was added. Each time this button was clicked, the most updated information about Mars from the NASA mission was placed in index.html
<a class = "btn btn-info btn-lg" href = "/scrape">Live: From Mars!</a>
The information from the list info
was placed into the html page. For example, the latest news was rendered as follows:
<h3>{{ list.news_title }}</h3> <!-- news title -->
<p>{{ list.news_teaser }}</p> <!-- news teaser -->
The HTML table of Mars planetary data was rendered onto index.html
using this code:
{{ list.fun_facts | safe}} <!-- "|safe }}" allows the HTML table to be rendered directly -->
The URL of the featured image was inserted as a string in the image HTML tag.
<img src = "{{ list.featured_image }}" alt = "featured image" width = 100%/>
To render each hemisphere image, the list of dictionaries containing the hemisphere URLs (in the BSON document created by
) was subjected to a for loop.
{% for pic in list.hemisphere_images[2:4] %}
<img src = "{{ pic['image_url'] }}" alt = "hemisphere_pic" width = 100% />
<div class = "caption"><i>{{ pic['title'] }}</i></div>
{% endfor %}
In the code above, {{ pic['image_url'] }}
referred to the value while {{ pic['title'] }}
referred to the field for each dictionary in the list.
The data stored in mars_current_data
was loaded into MongoDB using the Flask app
. This was initiated by loading Flask, Flask-PyMongo, and
# Dependencies for database CRUD
from flask_pymongo import PyMongo # Use flask_pymongo to allow running MongoDB in Python
import scrape_mars
# Dependencies for rendering the information to HTML
from flask import Flask, render_template, redirect
The app was initialised and configured for MongoDB.
# Create an instance for the Flask app
app = Flask(__name__)
# Connect to a MongoDB database
app.config["MONGO_URI"] = "mongodb://localhost:27017/mars_app"
mongo = PyMongo(app)
Two app routes were created. The first one rendered to the index.html
file while the second one directed to /scrape
, which then redirected to the index.html
. The first app route had a function called index
that extracted the first BSON document in the database and placed it in a list called info
in the database.
def index():
# Store the collection in a list
info = mongo.db.mars_current_data.find_one()
# Render the template with the information in it
return render_template("index.html", list = info)
The second app route defined a function called scraper
which called the scrape()
function in
. The mars_current_dictionary
returned by scrape()
was loaded as a BSON document into the database.
def scraper():
info = mongo.db.mars_current_data
info_data = scrape_mars.scrape()
info.update({}, info_data, upsert = True)
return redirect("/", code = 302)
Before running
, MongoDB was initialised in the command line.
$ mongod
was run in the development environment from the command line.
$ export FLASK_DEBUG=1
$ export FLASK_ENV=development
$ export
$ flask run
Opening the route
led automatically to loading index.html
on the browser. Clicking the Live: From Mars!
button would rerun
and show the latest data.