Simple Reflect/Vite/Vanilla Starter

This is the Vite starter app (npm create vite@latest) adjusted to use Reflect instead of in-memory state.


npm install


In one shell, start the Reflect dev serfver:

npx @rocicorp/reflect dev

In another shell, start the UI dev server:

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:5173/ in two tabs and click the increment button.

Deploy Reflect

Deploy the Reflect server to

npx @rocicorp/reflect publish

Change the serverOrigin Reflect parameter to point to the production server with a wss protocol:

const r = new Reflect({
  userID: "someUser",
  roomID: "myRoom",
  // Whatever publish printed out --  note `wss` protocol
  socketOrigin: "wss://",

Run the UI against the deployed server:

npm run dev

You can also publish the UI anywhere, for example Vercel:

npx vercel