
A BASH script for abbreviating journal titles in a bib file using CASSI abbreviations.

Primary LanguageShell



A BASH script for abbreviating journal titles in a bib file using CASSI abbreviations. This is done to format references in accordance with the ACS Style Guide (because the achemso package does not do this).


To use, edit the name for the bibFile variable at the top of the program to agree with your bib filename, as well as the name of the output file you you would like to write the fixed references to, then run abbr-journal-titles.sh in the same directory as your bib file and the CASSI_abbreviations.txt file.

If your bib file contains a "new" journal (or one that is somehow not recognized), you can add it to CASSI_abbreviations.txt, making sure to follow the same format as the other references:

  • escape any commas in the journal title/abbreviation (i.e. "," --> "\,")
  • spell out ampersands (i.e. "&" --> "and")
  • remove any beginning "the" (i.e. "The Journal" --> "Journal")

Case is not important!


Rocío Mercado