
This project demonstrates using the Spring JMSTemplate and JMSListener to send and receive JMS messages. The broker service is ActiveMQ and is run as an embedded instance within the JVM.

Files of interest:

  • BrokerConfig: This spring @Configuration class creates the JMS beans and defines a message handler method for the default queue annotated with @JmsListener.

  • MessagePayload: A POJO message type.

  • MessagePayloadQueueListener: A class that handles JMS messages received of type MessagePayload.

  • DefaultQueueTest: A JUnit test class that sends a TextMessage using a JmsTemplate to the default queue.

  • MessagePayloadTest: A JUnit test class that creates an instance of MessagePayload and sends it to a test queue.

Running the Application Tests


The tests require a running ActiveMQ broker running on port 61616. This can be setup by using the included docker-compose.yml file if docker is installed. Or by using the maven profile docker when executing the verify goal.

Test Execution

Using docker-compose:

docker-compose up -d

mvn verify

Using the docker maven plugin:

mvn -Pdocker verify