
Simple app for testing things like Git-flow and Kubernetes

Primary LanguageJava


This project is a simple spring-boot application running an embedded jetty server on port 8080.


The project is managed by maven so building is achieved by running:

mvn package


The application can be run by using its jar file:

java -jar booter-<version>.jar

If you need to run the server on a different port than 8080 that can be done by specifying the server.port system property:

java -Dserver.port=9000 -jar booter-<version>.jar

Docker Image(s)

This project provides configuration files for running this application inside a Docker container. A production-ready image can be built using the supplied Dockerfile:

docker build -t booter:latest .

The above command will build the container image, name it booter and tag it with the tag latest.

Docker Development

Development and testing of the docker image can be achieved by using Docker Compose. The supplied docker-compose.yml file provides definitions for building and running a Docker container and exposing its port, 8080, to port 80 on the localhost.

The default Dockerfile builds the application using maven inside the container. This can be a lengthy process. To speed up development the docker-compose.yml includes instructions to mount a volume from the maven build directory, ./target, to the docker image such that the application can be rebuilt directly using maven without having to rebuild the entire docker image.

Environment Variables

The following environment variables are defined and used in the Docker image:

  • APPDIR - Absolute path to the directory where the application files reside.
  • APPNAME - Name of the application jar file.