
An implementation of a MongoDB change stream watcher in Go.

Primary LanguageGo

MongoDB Change Stream Watcher

This program is capable of watching the change stream for a given MongoDB collection, recording the change stream events as audit records in a designated audit collection. If the watcher gets disconnected from the change stream for any reason, it will resume watching the stream from the point it left off before being disconnected, ensuring no change events are lost.

For details of how MongoDB change stream work, refer to https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/changeStreams


The watcher program supports several configurable parameters, as illustrated below

  "appDbUrl": "mongodb://@localhost:27017",
  "appDatabaseName": "test",
  "appDatabaseCollection": "streamtest",
  "userFieldPath": "updatedBy",
  "auditDbUrl": "mongodb://@localhost:27017",
  "auditDatabaseName": "test",
  "auditDatabaseCollection": "audit",
  "fullDocRecordOperations": {
    "insert": true
  "version": "1.0"

appDBUrl: URL for the MongoDB instance that contains the collection be watched.

appDatabaseName: Name of the MongoDB database that contains the collection be watched.

appDatabaseCollection: Name of the MongoDB collection to be watched.

userFieldPath: The fully qualified path of the field in the watched collection that contains the user ID of the user who made the change. This assumes that the application writing to the collection tracks and stores the user ID in this field. For example, assume that the watched collection's structure is like this:

  "_id": "123",
  "amount": 123.34,
       "changedBy": "abc",
       "changedOn": "2020-02-14T15:03:27Z"

In this case, the value of the userFieldPath field would be "changeDetails.changedBy"

auditDbUrl: URL for the MongoDB instance that contains the collection where the audit records are to be stored.

auditDatabaseName: Name of the MongoDB database where the audit records are to be stored.

auditDatabaseCollection: Name of the MongoDB collection for storing audit records.

fullDocRecordOperations: Determines the change event types for which the entire document will be stored in the audit record. In some situations, you might want to capture the current state of the entire document (from the collection being watched) for all types of changes (insert/update/delete, etc.).

Structure of Audit Records

The following is an example of an audit record that is created by the watcher:

    "_id" : {
        "_data" : "825E446661000000012B022C0100296E5A1004EC1E76078DCE4C489A2BFE17218EC79F46645F696400645C5D85C62FEF357A165CCABF0004"
    "collection" : "streamtest", 
    "database" : "test", 
    "documentKey" : "5c5d85c62fef357a165ccabf", 
    "fullDocument" : null, 
    "operationType" : "update", 
    "timestamp" : "2020-02-14T15:03:27Z", 
    "updateDescription" : {
        "updatedFields" : {
            "lineItems.0.procedures.0.procedureModCodes.0" : "332"
        "removedFields" : [

    "user" : "tcadmin"

Whether or not the "fullDocument" field contains the state of the entire document at the time of the change event depends on the "fullDocRecordOperations" configuration described earlier. The audit records use the change stream token for their unique ID. When the watcher comes online, it fetches the most recent change token to determine the point from which to watch the change stream. The updateDescription section contains details of the fields that were modified in the affected document of the watched collection as part of the change event.

Running the program

Note: The current version of the program has been tested with Golang 1.13.5. It utilizes Go modules.

  1. Build the change stream watcher program "go build -o mongo-changestream-watcher cmd/main.go"
  2. Copy the config file config/config.json to an appropriate location - modify per your environment.
  3. Set the location of config.json via environment variable CONFIG_FILE.
  4. Execute the change watcher program "./mongo-changestream-watcher". The program should start watching the MongoDB change stream with the message "Mongo stream watcher launched, waiting for change events...". If any past change events are available that occurred following the latest available resume token in the audit collection, those change events should get replayed immediately. Try making changes to some documents in the watched collection. Verify that the watcher program receives and processes the change events. Query the audit collection to verify that audit records for the change events are created.