
Primary LanguageTypeScript


Installing the App

Just run yarn !
Proceed with the database configuration.

Creating Postgres DB using Docker

With docker installed,

  1. Verify if the port 5432 is free (kill the process or choose another port)
  2. Run the following command to create a Postgres DB image in docker (within3 as database name):
    docker run --name within3 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=root -e POSTGRES_DB=within3 -p 5432:5432 -d postgres
  3. To populate the database, choose one of the options:
    3.1 Run the following command to import the postgres dump (changing the path):
    docker exec -i within3 /bin/bash -c "PGPASSWORD=root psql --username postgres within3" < /path/to/project/dump.sql
    3.2 Or run the migrations with the following command:
    yarn typeorm migration:run

Configuring Database in the App

Open ormconfig.json and change the port, database name or host if necessary.


yarn run dev

Automated tests

yarn test


Use Apollo Studio (https://studio.apollographql.com/sandbox/explorer) or some tool to do a GraphQL Query with the following:

query {
  zipCode(zipCode: 20601) {
    county {
    city {

Try with '20605' zipcode to receive a 404 not found response.
Other valid zipcodes are in src/database/data/Zip_Code_Lookup_Table.csv

Ideas / Improvements

  • Add unit tests and not only e2e.
  • Create relationship between Cities and Counties.
  • Zipcode validation?
  • Docker for the App