Inspired by RxCocoa
, this is a lightweight implementation of DelegateProxy
. It is aimed to implement delegation in a simple way. We can wrap the delegate implementation in a declarative way (ie, combine).
Suppose we have SomeType
and SomeTypeDelegate
class SomeType {
weak var delegate: SomeTypeDelegate?
func callDelegationOne() {
delegate?.someType(self, withDelegationOne: 1)
func callDelegationTwo() {
delegate?.someType(self, withDelegationTwo: #function)
protocol SomeTypeDelegate: AnyObject {
func someType(_ someType: SomeType, withDelegationOne: Int)
func someType(_ someType: SomeType, withDelegationTwo: String)
The implementation of the delegate is in SomeTypeImplementation
class SomeTypeImplementation: SomeTypeDelegate {
func someType(_ someType: SomeType, withDelegationOne: Int) {
func someType(_ someType: SomeType, withDelegationTwo: String) {
Now, we can use another way to make it.
Firstly, Adopting DelegateProxy for SomeTypeDelegate
import DelegateFoundation
final class SomeTypeDelegateProxy: DelegateProxy<SomeType, SomeTypeDelegate>, DelegateProxyProtocol, SomeTypeDelegate {
let delegationOneRelay = PassthroughRelay<Int>()
let delegationTwoRelay = PassthroughRelay<String>()
static func setProxyDelegate(_ object: SomeType, to proxy: SomeTypeDelegateProxy) {
object.delegate = proxy
static func createProxy(for object: SomeType) -> SomeTypeDelegateProxy {
SomeTypeDelegateProxy(object: object, delegateProxyType: SomeTypeDelegateProxy.self)
static func forwardToDelegate(for object: SomeType) -> SomeTypeDelegate? {
func someType(_ someType: SomeType, withDelegationOne: Int) {
forwardToDelegate?.someType(someType, withDelegationOne: withDelegationOne)
func someType(_ someType: SomeType, withDelegationTwo: String) {
forwardToDelegate?.someType(someType, withDelegationTwo: withDelegationTwo)
Then, extend Delegable
for SomeType
import DelegateProxy
extension Delegable where Base: SomeType {
var delegationOne: RelayPublisher<Int> {
SomeTypeDelegateProxy.proxy(for: wrappedValue).delegationOneRelay.eraseToAnyPublisher()
var delegationTwo: RelayPublisher<String> {
SomeTypeDelegateProxy.proxy(for: wrappedValue).delegationTwoRelay.eraseToAnyPublisher()
Finally, the call site deal with the SomeTypeDelegate
like this:
import DelegateFoundation
var someType = SomeType()
.receive(on: Schedulers.main)
.sink { value in
// implemente delegate here
.store(in: &cancellables)