
Web-based client for PostgreSQL databases

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Web-based client for PostgreSQL databases written in JavaScript.


pg-dashboard is a web-based PostgreSQL client, written in JavaScript and works on macOS, Linux, and Windows machines. The project was created to illustrate the possibility to roll out a portable application on your work works with both local or remote PostgreSQL databases.

Getting Started

System Recommendation

  • Postgres 10+
  • node.js 14.16+
  • yarn (optional)


Create a clone of the repository

$ git clone https://github.com/rockacola/pg-dashboard.git

Server Setup

Install required node.js packages

$ yarn install

Client Setup

Install required node.js packages

$ yarn install


Server Usage

$ cd server/
$ yarn debug

Or to run as a production environment:

$ cd server/
$ yarn start

Client Usage

Create a copy of the environment variable file.

cd client/
cp .env.template .env

Update the configuration details.

$ cd client/
$ yarn start


Server Testings

Create a copy of the environment variable file for testing.

cd server/
cp .env.test.template .env.test

Update the configuration details to suit your hosting need.

Client Testings



Please open an issue if you want to leave feedback.


Open-source MIT.