
Perl script to mangle (filter) uniform diff/patch files - either by file name or entry type

Primary LanguagePerlBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


manglediff.pl is a Perl script written to help dealing with (large) diff files (.diff / .patch) - "dealing" means "remove non-interesting parts from file(s)".

Nota bene: here and later, "diff" means "diff in unified format".

Prerequisites / installation

manglediff.pl has no extra dependencies. E.g. for Debian GNU/Linux the only required package is "perl-base" which is already essential for any Debian-based distribution.

However, Text::Glob (metacpan) Perl module was roughly imported to work with glob patterns, but I'm looking to replace it with own implementation because original module is missing regex anchors while converting glob to regex.


manglediff.pl [options] file ...


Select file names with glob patterns:

Option Long option Description
-iPATTERN --include=PATTERN include diffs which file names match pattern PATTERN
-xPATTERN --exclude=PATTERN exclude diffs which file names match pattern PATTERN

Select file names with regular expression patterns:

Option Long option Description
-IPATTERN --include-regex=PATTERN include diffs which file names match pattern PATTERN
-XPATTERN --exclude-regex=PATTERN exclude diffs which file names match pattern PATTERN

File name stripping:

Option Long option Description
-sLENGTH --strip=LENGTH strip (at most) LENGTH leading path components from file name
-n --no-strip don't strip file names

By default, file name stripping length is 1.

Select by meta information:

Option Long option Description
-C --strip-comments remove comments (non-diff part of file)
-N --strip-new remove diffs which create files
-D --strip-deleted remove diffs which delete files
-R --strip-renames remove diffs which rename files
-U --strip-regular remove regular diffs which changes only contents of file

Output handling:

Option Long option Description
-Z --in-place replace (input) file with mangled output

By default, result is written to new file.

E.g. for input file input.diff output file will be named input.diff.new.%Y%m%d-%H%M%S where last name part is simply current date/time.


Option Long option Description
-d --debug print debugging output


BSD 3-Clause