
This repo contains a Ledger Ethereum plugin to support the various Rocket Pool interactions.

Instructions on plugin development can be found in the plugin guide.


Clone this repository and it's dependencies into the same directory:

git clone https://github.com/rocket-pool/ledger-app-plugin-rocketpool.git
git clone https://github.com/LedgerHQ/plugin-tools.git
git clone --recurse-submodules https://github.com/LedgerHQ/app-ethereum.git

Your directory should look like this:



Navigate into the plugin-tools directory and run the ./start.sh shell script:

cd plugin-tools

This script setups up a docker container with everything required to build the plugin. You will be dropped into an interactive shell when the script completes.

Navigate into the ledger-app-plugin-rocketpool directory and run make:

cd ledger-app-plugin-rocketpool

The build artifacts will be placed in the build/ directory.


Navigate into the plugin-tools directory and run the ./start.sh shell script:

cd plugin-tools

This script setups up a docker container with everything required to build the plugin. You will be dropped into an interactive shell when the script completes.

Navigate into the ledger-app-plugin-rocketpool/test directory and run ./build_local_test_elfs.sh:

cd ledger-app-plugin-rocketpool/test

This will generate test binaries that can be run on the Speculos emulator.

In another terminal, navigate to the same test directory and run yarn test.

cd ledger-app-plugin-rocketpool/test
yarn install                      # On the first run of the test suite, install dependencies first
yarn test