Rocket Pool rETH Exchange Rate Oracle for Optimism

This repository contains 2 main contracts. RocketOvmPriceMessenger which can be called by anyone to submit the current rETH exchange rate (as reported by RocketNetworkBalances) to the RocketOvmPriceOracle contract which is deployed on Optimism OVM.


Rocket Pool provides this exchange rate oracle as-is for convenience and offers no guarantee about its accuracy or the freshness of the data. These contracts have not been formally audited for security or correctness.


Calling rate() on RocketOvmPriceOracle will return the latest rETH exchange rate reported. This value is in the form of the ETH value of 1 rETH. e.g. If 1 rETH is worth 1.5 ETH rate() will return 1.5e18. lastUpdated() can be called to retrieve the timestamp that the rate was last updated.


Rocket Pool maintains a Goerli testnet instance of the protocol alongside our mainnet deployment which can be used for integration testing before promotion to mainnet.


Chain RocketOvmPriceMessenger (Ethereum) RocketOvmPriceOracle (Optimism) RocketBalancerRateProvider (Optimism)
Mainnet 0xdddcf2c25d50ec22e67218e873d46938650d03a7 0x1a8F81c256aee9C640e14bB0453ce247ea0DFE6F 0x658843BB859B7b85cEAb5cF77167e3F0a78dFE7f
Goerli 0x87E2deCE7d0A080D579f63cbcD7e1629BEcd7E7d 0xc6307a58556FDcF93255ad541dccacCC10b75eA4 0x1039966EcCd77c27cdD612fF8b3df656A8332C92


Chain RocketOvmPriceMessenger (Ethereum) RocketOvmPriceOracle (Base) RocketBalancerRateProvider (Base)
Mainnet 0x64A5856869C06B0188C84A5F83d712bbAc03517d 0x658843bb859b7b85ceab5cf77167e3f0a78dfe7f 0x039f7205c2cba4535c2575123ac3d657263892c4