Rocket Pool rETH Exchange Rate Oracle for Scroll

This repository contains 2 main contracts. RocketScrollPriceMessenger which can be called by anyone to submit the current rETH exchange rate (as reported by RocketNetworkBalances) to the RocketScrollPriceOracle contract which is deployed on Scroll.


Rocket Pool provides this exchange rate oracle as-is for convenience and offers no guarantee about its accuracy or the freshness of the data. These contracts have not been formally audited for security or correctness.


Calling rate() on RocketScrollPriceOracle will return the latest rETH exchange rate reported. This value is in the form of the ETH value of 1 rETH. e.g. If 1 rETH is worth 1.5 ETH rate() will return 1.5e18. lastUpdated() can be called to retrieve the timestamp that the rate was last updated.


Rocket Pool maintains a Goerli testnet instance of the protocol alongside our mainnet deployment which can be used for integration testing before promotion to mainnet.

Chain RocketScrollPriceMessenger (Ethereum) RocketScrollPriceOracle (Scroll) RocketBalancerRateProvider (Scroll)
Mainnet 0x0f22dC9b9C03757D4676539203d7549c8f22C15C 0x30A593876596d347fbba2b5883651B6B1dcecCf7 0x776D700e69F86b2b89daaf636Aa1df8Ba0434256
Sepolia 0x9a336ed9d8d13d9d99d2f375b539c027db55684a 0x762Bc8622Ed65B6215a3FcCf07210D5c00edd69f TBA