
Compares the source code between official repository and Etherscan's verified source

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Rocket Pool Contract v1.2 Verification

This repo allows third parties to easily verify that the contracts deployed for the v1.2 upgrade of Rocket Pool match the source code of the contracts in the v1.2 branch of the Rocket Pool smart contract repository.

How it works

  1. It clones the v1.2 branch from the official Rocket Pool GitHub repository at https://github.com/rocket-pool/rocketpool
  2. It compares the source for RocketUpgradeOneDotOne.sol against the verified source on Etherscan at the following addresses:
    1. Goerli: 0xd3d74b3532f393f381e18f3b0cdacfde23d669a6
    2. Mainnet: 0x9a0b5d3101d111EA0edD573d45ef2208CC97984a
  3. It calls each of the view methods on the upgrade contract to retrieve the address of each of the new contracts
  4. It compares the verified source on Etherscan of each of these addresses to confirm they match the code in the git repo

How to run it

Copy .env.example to .env and fill out the appropriate values.

The verify.sh script performs the required setup and executes the verification script. Simply run:
