
Primary LanguageJavaScript

⚔️ Vikings NFT Game ⚔️

Version License: MIT Twitter: An1cu12


  • yarn
  • yarn global add hardhat-shorthand

Environment File (.env)

  • PROVIDER_URL: Alchemy or any other Provider endpoint (Default: Rinkeby)
  • PRIVATE_KEY: Private key for the deployer account

Compile & migrate (Deploy) Contracts

  • yarn deploy (Default network: Rinkeby Ethereum Testnet)

Watch the collection on OpenSea.io or Rarible.com


View the contract on the public explorer


Production Build

  • yarn build

Start the Dapp

  • yarn start


  • Connect to MetaMask to Begin https://gyazo.com/459305cf9b9110c71b30876199897572.gif

  • Select your character to start play https://gyazo.com/ba285dceb38e9701b375d37dcda259a6.gif

  • Mint an NFT that you can view on OpenSea or Rarible, etc. https://gyazo.com/570ba9c7966623e7e0c2ab984b81ef72.gif

  • Start playing with your new NFT Viking character


  • 📦 Hardhat - Ethereum development environment for professionals
  • 🦾 TypeChain Hardhat plugin - Automatically generate TypeScript bindings for smartcontracts while using Hardhat.
  • 🎨 OpenZeppelin - standard for secure blockchain applications