
Jackson Goyette, Spencer Schurk

Lab1 for CSC365

To Compile:

Enter "javac"

To Run:

Enter "java schoolsearch"

While Running:

Follow on screen prompts:

(Brackets entail optional input, ex: S[tudents] can be entered as "Students" or simply "S")

(Curly brackets are input provided by the user)

Q[uit]: Quits the program

S[tudent]: {lastname} Provides the full name, grade, classroom, and name of teacher for the student(s) with the given last name.

S[tudent]: {lastname} B[us] Provides the full name and bus information for the student(s) with the given last name.

T[eacher]: {lastname} Provides the full names of all the students taught by the given teacher.

G[rade]: {Number} Provides the names of all students in the given grade (Kindergarten is 0).

B[us]: {Number} Provides the full names of the students on the given bus route (Those who do not take the bus are 0).

G[rade]: {Number} H[igh] or L[ow] If High is input, provides all information for the student with the highest GPA in the given grade. If Low is input, provides all information for the student with the lowest GPA in the given grade.

A[verage]: {Number} Provides the average GPA for the given grade.

I[nfo] Provides the total number of students in each grade.

NR1 CS: {Number} or ClassroomStudents: {Number} Provides a list of all students inside the given classroom Number.

NR2 CT: {Number} or ClassroomTeachers: {Number} Provides a list of all teachers inside the given classroom Number.

NR3 GT: {Number} or GradeTeachers: {Number} Provides a list of all teachers who teach the given grade Number.

NR4 E[nrollment] Provides the enrollment broken down by classroom.

NR5 An[alytics]: G[rade] Lists all grades of students and the average GPA of the students within each grade

An[alytics]: T[eacher] Lists all teachers of students and the average GPA of the students that have that teacher

An[alytics]: B[us] Lists all bus routes of students and the average GPA of the students that take that bus route