Boston node.js meetup Alexa Workshop

Part 1

Welcome to the boston node.js Alexa workshop. In this four part series we will create a game for guessing the correct star wars character for the Amazon Echo from scratch. This workshop is designed to get you started with the basics and then as a group we will decide how to augment it with the remaining time.

Each part is setup as a feature branch, with a README that is specific to each section. Now lets have some fun!


  • Node.js 6.10.1 installed locally.
  • Github account.
  • Basical understanding of javascript.
  • An Alexa Developer account

Getting started

  • yarn or npm install
  • yarn test or npm test

What now?

When you ran your test you should have seen an error of "Expected spy say to have been called with [ 'Welcome to star wars trivia.' ] but actual calls were [ 'oh no! fix me!' ]." Dig into the code and get this spec to pass. Take the opportunity to follow the code path.