Q-Streak Android

This is the Android app for Q-streak. It uses:

  • MVVM structure
  • Jetpack Architecture components (ViewModel, LiveData, Data Binding, Room)
  • Retrofit/OKHttp + Moshi for API service
  • Material Design components
  • Koin for dependency injection

About Q-Streak

Q-streak is a Rocket Insights project to encourage low-contact personal habits during the COVID-19 pandemic. Users of the app track their daily interactions and destinations. The app encourages consecutive "streaks" of tracking and gives users a "score" based on the level of risk they assumed on a particular date given their location and reported activities.

Getting Started

Clone the repository

Clone the app to your local machine.

Set up Docker

See q-streak-web README for further instructions. AndroidManifest.xml is configured with a network security spec to allow emulated Android devices to query the local server in debug builds.