
Calculates your Timekeeper Math for you.

Assumes a goal of 93.5% billable, and that you do not wish to work more than the minimum hours for this time period (aka 40/wk).

Note this program outputs exact minutes, i.e. 4h:23m (4.39h), while in reality we use 15m (0.25h) blocks at the smallest.

Clock & Decimal outputs round to two places, CSV is exact.



Will run an interactive docker container that you can then run the command line script in

git clone https://github.com/lomky/timekeeper
cd timekeeper
docker build -t timekeeper --rm .
docker run -it  --name timekeeper --rm timekeeper


git clone https://github.com/lomky/timekeeper
cd timekeeper
rbenv install 3.0.3
rbenv local 3.0.3

gem install bundler
bundle install


Figuring out your budget for a time period with 88 hours (default), and two days planned leave

$ ./timekeeper -l 16
For a time period of 88 with 16.0 hours leave:
    Billable hours goal: 67.32
     Nonbillable budget: 4.68

Checking your usage at submit, for a 80 hour time period, with a half day sick & a holiday

$ ./timekeeper --leave 12 --minimum 80
For a time period of 80 with 12.0 hours leave:
    Billable hours goal: 63.58
     Nonbillable budget: 4.42

Figuring out your billable minimum for a time period with 94 hours and no leave, shown in HH:MM

./timekeeper -m 94 -f clock
For a time period of 94h with 0h leave:
    Billable hours goal: 87h:53m
     Nonbillable budget: 6h:7m

Getting a CSV output for further processing.

./timekeeper --format csv