
Telemetry dashboard for UCSD RPL's Marginal Stability Rocket

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This repo contains the code necessary to visualize telemetry from Marginal Stability as it is sent through the command box. This whole project is designed to run without WiFi, only a local, wired serial connection between the command box arduino and the laptop being used.

To install:

  1. Clone the git repo using git clone
  2. Use cd to navigate to the project directory
  3. Run npm install in your CLI to install the necessary node modules
  4. Make sure you have python3, sys, serial, time, json, and websockets installed. If you don't have a module, run pip install [MODULE]

To start dashboard:

  1. Open new terminal, navigate to src folder. Run node server.js to start websocket server.
  2. In a new terminal, run npm start to start the project server. If it doesn't open in your default browser, go to http://localhost:3000/
  3. Plug in the command box to your laptop's USB port
  4. Find the port it's connected to (use the Arduino app to do this, or ls /dev/ on Terminal to tyr and narrow it down)
  5. Open a third terminal and navigate to src again.
  6. Run python fetchData.py [PORT] after making sure (via Arduino IDE or something else) that the command box is printing the output listed in dataTest/dataTest.ino.