Express Modular Routing

In this exercise, you are going to extend the REST APIs you have been building to handle DELETE and PUT requests. You will also learn how to make your route handling more modular in express using express.Router.

Learning Objectives

  • Use Express.Router to encapsulate routing behavior for different resources
  • Explain and build a CRUD RESTful JSON API including PUT and DELETE
  • Build an API to satisfy a specification


  1. Fork this repository
  2. Clone the forked repository onto your local machines
  3. In the root directory, type npm install, which installs dependencies for the project
  4. Finally, type npm start, which starts a development server that will reload whenever you make any changes to source files


Your instructor will demonstrate how to encapsulate route parameters for the /users endpoints using express.Router.

Standard Criteria

  • Implement the users, films and books endpoints for this API according to the API spec

Extended Criteria

  • Implement the EXTENSION criteria as highlighted in the API spec