Cinema Booking API - Many to Many Relationships

Setting up

The full database schema and seed file for this exercise has already been implemented, your focus is on implementing a many-to-many and adding some API endpoints for it.

Note: Although we need to create a new primary database, we can reuse a shadow database across multiple projects since Prisma resets it after using it.

  1. Create a new database instance in ElephantSQL.
  2. Rename the .env.example file to .env
  3. Edit the DATABASE_URL variable in .env, swapping YOUR_DATABASE_URL for the URL of the database you just created. Leave ?schema=prisma at the end.
  4. Edit the SHADOW_DATABASE_URL variable in .env, swapping YOUR_SHADOW_DATABASE_URL for the URL of the shadow database you created in the earlier exercises. Leave ?schema=shadow at the end.
  5. Run npm ci to install the project dependencies.
  6. Run npx prisma migrate reset to execute the existing migrations & data seed. Press y when it asks if you're sure.


  • Work through each requirement in the requirements directory in numerical order