Databases - ORM's using Prisma.js

An object-relational mapper provides a layer between relational databases and programming languages without the need to write SQL. It standardizes interfaces, reducing boilerplate while speeding up development time. With the Prisma.js ORM, we can interact with our database by writing Javascript instead of executing SQL.

Learning Objectives

  • Use an ORM to implement a database design.
  • Use an ORM to create data in a database.
  • Follow an iterative development workflow style using documentation as a guide.


SQL is useful but it can be hard to debug and maintain, especially as an application grows in size. There are many ORM's out there for many languages; we'll be using Prisma.js during the Boolean course.

A vital piece of our skillset as software developers is our ability to use documentation to work with a tool we have little to no experience with. Prisma's documentation is comprehensive and easy to navigate, which is why we'll be using it to improve these skills during this module.

Though not required, you may find it useful to read about Prisma's core concepts.

To work with Prisma in our development environments, we require two databases:

  1. The Primary database - this is the one you have designed with your Entity Relationship Diagram and will contain all of your tables and data.
  2. The Shadow database - this is a temporary database that Prisma uses to check that everything works properly before making any changes to the primary database. It's essentially a safety net to protect us from ourselves.

Note: Shadow databases are a concept specific to Prisma, not ORM's in general. In most cases, an ORM will execute migrations as a transaction that can be reversed if anything goes wrong. If you're interested in this subject, here's an example.

Setting up

There are a few steps to getting set up for this exercise due to having to configure the project to use a database in the cloud.

  1. Rename the .env.example file to .env
  2. Create a new database instance in ElephantSQL.
  3. Edit the DATABASE_URL variable in .env, swapping YOUR_DATABASE_URL for the URL of the database you just created. Leave ?schema=prisma at the end.
  4. Create another new instance in ElephantSQL (this will be your Shadow Database).
  5. Edit the SHADOW_DATABASE_URL variable in .env, swapping YOUR_SHADOW_DATABASE_URL for the URL of the shadow database you just created. Leave ?schema=shadow at the end.
  6. Back in your ElephantSQL shadow database instance, go to the Browser tab and enter CREATE SCHEMA shadow then press the Execute button. This creates a schema for Prisma to use for the shadow database.
  7. Run npm ci to install the project dependencies.
  8. Run npx prisma migrate reset to execute the existing migration & data seed. Press y when it asks if you're sure.


  • Work through each file in the requirements directory in numerical order
  • Follow the full Development Process in the requirement file before moving to the next requirement


There are Jest tests for each of the requirements to ensure that the models you are creating are correct / as we expect. The tests are arranged by each of the models, and within each model they are split out by their relevant Requirement stages as the models will evolve as you progress.

  • To run tests for a given requirement, run npm run test:<number> where <number> is replaced by the requirement number you want to test.

    • For example, to test Requirement 2, you would run npm run test:2.
    • IMPORTANT NOTE - you must have the run keyword for these npm scripts to be able to execute.

  • To run all tests, run npm test.

    • It is especially important that you run this at the end when you have finished all requirements to ensure that all previous requirements are still passing.

Collection of Useful Documentation